Central road board
CENTRAL ROAD BOARD. Tuesday, September 19. … UPPER WAKEFIELD. From the Upper Wakefield District Council, enquiring which road the Board intended taking as a main road on the line from Mintaro to Leasingham at Section 104. Referred to Mr. Macaulay for report. … MINTARO. From the Stanley District Council, mentioning that in the contracts under the Board now in progress, close to Mintaro, there were some deep cuttings across the district roads, and enquiring whether the Board would make the approaches from the main road to the district road in the case alluded to. To be informed that the Board will, as usual, bear half the cost of making the approaches; the Council to do the work to the satisfaction of the Board’s Surveyor.
Central road board meeting
Central Road Board. — A meeting was held on Tuesday, September 19th, Mr. Hallett in the chair. … Letters were read … From the Stanley District Council, mentioning that in the contracts under the Board now in progress, close to Mintaro, there were some deep cuttings in the district roads, and enquiring whether the Board would make the approaches from the main road to the district road in the case alluded to. To be informed that the Board will, as usual, bear half the cost of making the approaches ; the Council to do the work to the satisfaction of the Board’s Surveyor. From W. Dunne stating that the road between Sections 130 and 129, near Wockie Creek, appeared to be a few feet short of the usual width, and that the contractor (Mr. Bond) had given him to understand that his fence must be removed to allow the regular width (66 feet for the road.) He mentioned that he put up the fence on Section 129, according to the Surveyor’s pegs, and wished to know if the Board would leave the fence as it stood or have it removed. Referred to Mr. Macaulay…
Mintaro Auction
On SATURDAY, September 23. AT PIPER’S YARDS, MINTARO. AT ONE O’CLOCK. J. W. GLEESON has received instructions to sell by public auction, on the 23rd instant— 2 Teams Working BULLOCKS, with Drays, Yokes, Bows, &c., complete. The Cattle are in first-rate condition, and well suited for wool-carting 10 head Draught Horses, stanch 10 do. Saddle and Light Harness Horses. These are a first-class lot, in good condition, and fit to go to work at once. 8 head Dairy Cows, some in full milk, others dose upon calving, and all warranted quiet to milk. Terms easy. x2
Tender acceptance
The acceptance of the following Government tenders for work in and near Northern towns has been notified:-Additions, &c., to Court-house and Police Station, Riverton, T. and G. Sara, £110; additions, &c., to Post-office and Telegraph Station, Kooringa, Thomas Baker, £98 10s; additions and repairs to Redruth Gaol, Thomas Baker, £47 10s; alterations and repairs to Redruth Court-house, Thomas and John Pearce, £34 15s 6d; roadwork between Mintaro and Walkey Creek, J. Tiver, £979 15s 6d.
Mintaro news
MINTARO, August 30. The weather has been favourable, but fears are entertained that we may get a dry spring, and as the ensuing month is generally considered critical the farmers’ anxiety is great. Showers fell last night, and the crops are in a healthy state. The Wesleyan Sunday-school anniversary sermons were preached by the Rev. G. Swann, and the scholars were examined in the after noon. On Monday the teachers and scholars, numbering about 100, marched through the town with banners flowing, the children singing hymns. After tea the Superintendent (Mr. E. Tralaggan), who presided, the Revs. C. H. Goldsmith, G. Swann, Messrs. Jolly and Murdoch spoke. Proceeds, £14. The Day-School Committee have resolved on erecting a new schoolroom and teacher’s residence, and have succeeded within three weeks in collecting £200. The contractor for the road north of Mintaro is at work in good earnest, and people hope soon to see this line in a passable condition.
Readvertised road making
Readvertised — No. 4,000, Kooringa and Port Wakefield, making 90 chains road between Mintaro and Working Creek. … No. 4,016, Kooringa and Port Wakefield, making 43 chains road south of Reserve at Workig Creek; … TENDERS. … No. 2,712. Kooringa and Port Wakefield-road — Cutting, &c., about 90 chains of road between Mintaro and Walkey Creek. Nine tenders. G. Tiver’s, £979 15s. 6d., accepted.
Contract readvertised
Contract Readvertised. Kooringa and Port Wakefield-road — 90 chains between Mintaro and Wockie Creek. … Contracts Signed. North-road — Repairs to ford at Aberdeen, Kooringa, and Port Wakefield-road; 43 chains south of reserve, Wockie Creek; 34 chains, Honeysuckle Flat. … TENDERS. … No. 2712. Kooringa and Port Wakefield-road — Cutting, &c, about 90 chains between Mintaro and Walkey Creek— Nine tenders. J. Tiver, £979 15s. 6d., accepted.
District Council Stanley
DISTRICT COUNCIL STANLEY, Saturday, July 22. Present—All. Overseer reported having employed Mr. Lloyd as stationman at 6s. per day. Letter from Mr. Rhead, stating fencing at Walkey Creek would be immediately attended to. From Dr. Schomburgk, stating that some shrubs for Cemetery would be given if applied for; some one to be employed to get same. Clerk produced accounts and balance-sheets, duly audited. Same received and adopted, and to be advertised as usual. Objections to list of Constables to be heard next Council day. Mr. Brown allowed to remove sand and stone from the reserve near his residence. Mr. Faulkner allowed to remove a dead tree across the road on Hill River. Mr. Bleechmore to be noticed that the Council intend removing from the premises now occupied by them. Council having revised assessment, Clerk to make three copies of same for £5 5s. Overseer to inspect and report on road from Wethers’ corner to school-house, Farrell’s Flat. Works ordered— Making a ford, &c., near Wethers’; grubbing stumps on road by P. Brady, jun.’s; drains to be cut and metal shouldered on Clare-road; top of cutting near S. Malycha’s, Hill River, to be metalled; road near Pound to have coat of limestone; side drains by Coles’, Farrell’s Flat, to be continued about 20 chains.
Contracts in Progress
Contracts in Progress. … Works deserted by the contractor— … No. 4,000, Kooringa, and Port Wakefield-road, making 90 chains road between Mintaro and Wockie Creek…
Ratepayers meeting Mintaro
MINTARO, July 5. At the meeting of ratepayers on Monday Messrs. T. Priest, W. Bowman, G. Smith, F. Tralaggan, and M. Brown were proposed as Councillors; Messrs. E. Whitford, T. Smith, and D. Horan as Auditors. The inhabitants are greatly complaining about the roads, which in many places are almost impassable. It is certainly strange that after tenders have been called for the work it should not be proceeded with. Farming operations are being vigorously pushed forward, and sowing is nearly completed. Sufficient rain has fallen for agricultural purposes, and the growing crops look well. Sickness has been very prevalent of late, and in a few cases has ended in death.