MIntaro Community
Mintaro is home to a diverse community of people. From farmers and graziers, vignerons and winemakers, business operators and local professionals, retirees and young families, they all have one thing in common, their passion for the area in which they live.
Many in the community have a long history with Mintaro dating back to its original settlement in the mid 1800s, while some have returned to refresh their connections with these origins. Since its designation as a State Heritage Area in 1984 many have been drawn to the town to establish Bed & Breakfast accommodation and associated businesses that have supported a growing tourism focus. Recent years have seen a growth in agri-tourism with local farmers finding ways to expand interest in their operations and their produce.

Recreation and Sports
Generous donations of land to the community by local benefactors at the turn of the century has endowed Mintaro with great recreation facilities at Torr and Mortlock Parks. Local residents gather to practice and participate in a variety sports at these venues. They indulge in ‘down time’ from their regular weekly work through involvement in the many sporting clubs and sports available, which include football, netball, bowling, tennis and cricket. Many members of the sporting groups also give generously of their time to support initiatives that benefit the local community.

Social Activities
Opportunities abound for community members to gather over shared interests, debate, fine food, family or to just spend time with neighbours and friends. Whether it be meeting up at the pub, a coffee and chat at Reillys or the Maze, or a function or event at the Institute there is something for everyone. Shared dinners for special events, quiz nights, movie nights and activities for kids are often held, while regular mens’ and womens’ lunches are also available.
There are more solemn occasions when we gather together as well, to farewell community members who have passed on, and annually at the Anzac Day dawn service to remember those who fell in the line of duty.

Mintaro’s Progress
Mintaro’s Progress is a local newsletter published by the Mintaro Progress Association to help keep residents informed on local matters and events.
Established in 1935, to support the State Centenary celebrations in Mintaro in 1936, the Progress Association has continued to be a voice for the local community on matters that affect the town, district and its residents since then. An active group of residents generously volunteer their time each year to support the Association’s program of activities. The Association is supported by the Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council through its Peak Body funding and close working relationship. The dedicated and supportive local community is of course its greatest asset.
Great people make a great community. Mintaro is a great place to be.