STANLEY, Saturday, July 22.
Present—All. Overseer reported having employed Mr. Lloyd as stationman at 6s. per day. Letter from Mr. Rhead, stating fencing at Walkey Creek would be immediately attended to. From Dr. Schomburgk, stating that some shrubs for Cemetery would be given if applied for; some one to be employed to get same. Clerk produced accounts and balance-sheets, duly audited. Same received and adopted, and to be advertised as usual. Objections to list of Constables to be heard next Council day. Mr. Brown allowed to remove sand and stone from the reserve near his residence. Mr. Faulkner allowed to remove a dead tree across the road on Hill River. Mr. Bleechmore to be noticed that the Council intend removing from the premises now occupied by them. Council having revised assessment, Clerk to make three copies of same for £5 5s. Overseer to inspect and report on road from Wethers’ corner to school-house, Farrell’s Flat. Works ordered— Making a ford, &c., near Wethers’; grubbing stumps on road by P. Brady, jun.’s; drains to be cut and metal shouldered on Clare-road; top of cutting near S. Malycha’s, Hill River, to be metalled; road near Pound to have coat of limestone; side drains by Coles’, Farrell’s Flat, to be continued about 20 chains.