Mintaro Progress Association

The Mintaro Progress Association was formed on 17 May 1935, initially to support Mintaro Community preparations for the State’s centenary celebrations in 1936. The association became an incorporated body in 1949 and has continued to be directly involved in the development of the district and its sporting and cultural facilities since then. In 2004 the Mintaro Progress Association entered into a Partnership Agreement with the Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council formalising the Association as the ‘Peak Body’ representing the interests of the Mintaro community. The current constitution specifies that the Mintaro community encompasses all residents within an 8 km radius of the post office.
The current Mintaro Progress Association Constitution was ratified in 2007.
The MPA Committee Meetings are held every second month and the Association holds General Meetings, open to the public, in the alternate months. Only fully paid members can vote at General Meetings.
Become a member of the Mintaro Progress Association and participate in the life and development of the town and district.
Download the MPA Membership Application Form
Postal: c/o Post Office, Mintaro SA 5415