Doctor Wanted
WANTED A Good OPENING for a duly-qualified MEDICAL MAN at MINTARO. There are three Societies, numbering over 120 members and the nearest doctor is at Auburn, a distance of about ten miles. A comfortable practice may be worked-up by an energetic man. Application (containing terms per member to the Friendly Societies) to be sent in on or before 24th inst. C. E. ANTHONY, Elect. Sec. Court Plantagenet, A.O.F. Mintaro, October 14, 1879. … WANTED, a steady young Man as IMPROVER to the BLACKSMITHING. Must be accustomed to shoeing. Apply to W. J. Jessup, General Smith, &c., Mintaro.
Fire at Slate Quarry
An inquest was held on February 19 at the Mintaro Hotel, to enquire into the cause of the fire which occurred at the Mintaro Slate Quarry on the night of the 17th instant. Mr. F. Treloar, J .P., was Coroner, and Mr. C. E. Anthony Foreman of the Jury. Mr. W. E. Giles appeared on behalf of the South Australian Insurance Company. The following verdict was retained:—”That the Jury consider that the haystacks, the property of Mr. Thompson Priest, were wilfully and maliciously set fire to by some person or persons unknown on the night of the 17th instant ; also that Messrs. Long and White deserve credit for endeavoring (sic) to save the property.”
Stanley News
STANLEY. November 2.—Present—All. Tenders accepted—No. 175, J. Ryan, £17 ; No. 177, L. Kenupka, £21 15s.; No, 178, J. Lloyd, £7 10s. and £5 10s. per chain for metal. Blinding to be put on the ford over Wakefield. Use of Council Chamber granted to North Midland Road Board for their meeting on 21st inst. Walkey Creek to be made passable. Some ruts on Hill River road to be filled up. Receipts, £13 12s. 3d.; payments, £52 14s.
Stanley news
STANLEY, November 2. Present—All. Tenders accepted—No. 175, J. Ryan, £17; No. 177, L. Kenupka, £21 15s.; No. 178, J. Lloyd, £710s. and £5 10s. per chain for metal. Some blinding to be put on ford over Wakefield. Walkey Creek to be made passable. Ruts on Hill River-road to be filled up. Receipts, £13 12s. 3d.; payments, £52 14s.
Stanley meeting
STANLEY. November 2. Present—All. Tenders accepted—No. 175, J. Ryan, £17; 177, L. Kenupka, £21 15s ; 178, J. Lloyd, £7 10s, and metal £5 10s per chain. Use of Council Chamber granted to North Midland Road Board for their meeting on 21st inst. Works ordere —Walkey Creek crossing to be made passable ; ruts on Hill River road to be filled up. The following works were ordered to stand over till January:— Metalling on Farrell’s Flat, near M. Smith’s; metalling in East Ward, between sections 19 and 223; providing 2½-inch metal on same road, and on road north of Mintaro. Receipts, £13 12s 3d: payments. £52 14s.
Stanley Meeting
STANLEY, October 5. Present— AIl. Tender accepted — No. 174, forming, £1 6s 6d ; metalling, £1 per chain, C. Gerke. Dayman to be placed over the work of contract No. 172, making ford over the Wakefield, to see that it is properly done. Clare Council to be applied to for half cost of work on boundary, done by Shultz ; also, to know if they will assist in getting more done. Letter received from North Midland Road Board acceding to Council’s request re footpaths. Permission granted to Mr. Priest to remove stuff from banks of cutting near the quarry. A new plan of the Cemetery to be prepared. Works ordered — Repairs in Torr street, Mintaro North ; near Tickle’s and Trelaggan’s ; repairing, forming, and metalling near the school, Hill River ; making ford and a few chains metalling by sections 369 and 370; rut-filling, &c., by section 503, Hill River; forming near Mrs. Raymond’s on the boundary, Hill River. Receipts, £2 7s 1d; payments, £23 13s 10d.
Impounding notices
IMPOUNDING NOTICES. … MINTARO, G. McLeish— The bay horse impounded at Mintaro Pound, and advertised on September 19, now shows like B near shoulder. To be sold October 11…
North Midland Road Board
NORTH MIDLAND ROAD BOARD Clare : Thursday, September 19. … From Stanley District Council, asking permission to make footpaths in Burra street, Mintaro, and to have control over the same ; also to be allowed to take rotten stone from the banks of the cutting north of Mintaro for making the footpaths. Permission given to make footpaths, and to use, rotten stone from the cutting, also to have control over footpaths subject to the supervission (sic) of tho Board’s Surveyor…
Stanley Meeting
STANLEY September 7. Present—Chairman, Crs. Tralaggan, Faulkner, Nykiel, and Hogan. Mr. James Brown’s appeal against assessment considered; his land to be reduced 6d. per acre. Tenders accepted—No. 170, Mr. Mailon, £30 10s.; No. 171, F. Wayman, £70. Mr. Nykiel reported having let two chains of metalling on boundary road near Trilling’s Hill. Council agreed to let pound and house for £10 10s. per year. Clerk to write North Midland Road Board for permission to make footpaths in Mintaro and have control over them, also for permission to use banks of cutting north of Mintaro for that purpose. Clerk to obtain plan of cemetery from Curator. Mr. Nykiel to arrange with Clare Council to have repairs done on boundary-road if cost does not exceed £10. Letter from Hanson District Council, asking Stanley Council to undertake repairs on boundary-road ; to be replied to stating that they do not consider work necessary. Rate of one shilling in pound declared. Works ordered—Ford over Wakefield and repairs near Bowman’s; forming on Farrell’s Flat near Rowland’s: creek near Malysha’s to be inspected. Beceipts, £15 6s. 6d.; payments, £62 17s. 9d.
Land Sale
On SATURDAY, August 17, at 2 o’clock. AT BAYFIELD’S HOTEL, MINTARO. W. E. GILES has been honoured with instructions from the Trustees in the Estate of the late P. Weathers to sell by public auction, as above— All that SECTION of LAND in the HUNDRED of STANLEY, containing 5½ Acres, or thereabouts, numbered 163, substantially fenced. ALSO, At the Yards adjoining, About 450 really Prime Fat Wethers, in lots. Terms—For the land, 20 per cent. deposit and balance in one month. Title—Real Property Act. For the sheep, up to £30 cash; over £30, three months’ approved acceptances. Immediately after the above, on account of Mr. Peter Brady— ALLOTMENTS Nos. 20, 21, 30, and 31, MINTARO NORTH. Terms easy, at Sale. And anything offering, entries for which will be taken up to time of Sale.