Stanley, February 1870
STANLEY, February 5. Present—All. Letter received from Dr. Webb, reclosing road by Section 369. Tenders accepted—No. 45, Thomas Brown, £24, metalling, £4 10s. per chain; side-drains, 2s. 7d. per chain; No. 47, John McCann, £57 7s. 6d.; No. 48, Patrick Willis, £26. No. 46 to be readvertised. Clerk to write to Commissioner of Railways, to ascertain when the railway will be opened to Mintaro, and whether for goods and passengers. Notices to be served on different persons to destroy Scotch thistles. Receipts, £19 15s. 8d.; payments, £39 19s. 10d.
Swindle.— Two or three little girls, the local paper states, have been begging on the Peninsula for their mother, ill at Mintaro, who desires to get to Copperopolis, having been ordered by the doctor to do so for change of air. They farther (sic) alleged that having some friends, a house could be had on the mines if support were forthcoming. Unfortunately, so neat a story proved on enquiry to be pure fiction, as on (sic) person of the name given lives at Mintaro.
Fire at Mintaro
FIRE AT MINTARO.—Lately, the house of Mr. E. O’Loughlin, a building roofed with thatch, was destroyed by fire, which arose, it is supposed, from children playing with lucifers.
Sale Kadlunga Farm
PRELIMINARY NOTICE. THE ENGLISH AND AUSTRALIAN COPPER COMPANY (LIMITED). IMPORTANT SALE OF FREEHOLD PROPERTY AND STOCK. In consequence of the railway extensions, the above Company will cause to be SOLD BY AUCTION, about the end of the present year, their valuable TEAM STATIONS, FARM, and other COUNTRY LAND ; also Mules, Horses, Waggons, and Implements, viz. :— … KADLUNGA FARM, near Mintaro, 937 Acres, Fenced,, with Stone House and other buildings, yards, and a fine stream of fresh water always running. … SECTIONS 3035 and 3036 (near MINTARO), 150 Acres of rich arable land, and running water. … N.B.—Most of the above Sections were selected in the early days of the colony on account of their water and other natural advantages. … MINTARO RAILWAY STATION. BUILDING SITES. ALLOTMENTS facing the west side or the Station to be LET for a term expiring April 6th, 1876. Apply to Henry A. Wood, Victoria-square, Adelaide.
Stanley, January 1870
STANLEY. January 8.—Present—Chairman, Messrs. Bowman, Brown, and Meany. Clerk reported having waited on Clare Council; that they were agreeable to allow boundary road to be exchanged for a deviation through Section 369, and to pay half expenses. Surveyor to be instructed to survey all roads required in same direction. Chairman, owing to there having been no meeting of Council, had instructed Clerk to pay Mr. Brown £8 on account of contract No. 38, and Mr. Boundy £5 on account of contract No. 40, approved; also he had agreed to give Mr. Boundy £1 extra for adding a little metal on. contract No. 40; approved. Tenders accepted—No. 43, generally repairing road between Robinson’s and Walkey Creek, Mr. Boundy. £30; cutting side drains in same road, Mr. Brown, 2s. 6d. and 2s. 8d. per chain, Messrs. Bright, Hallett, Warren, and Morris; nominated for Central Road Board. Mr. Earle allowed to take bushes from road, provided he cuts them below surface. Clerk produced half yearly balance-sheet and accounts duly audited. Clerk to collect all moneys due to Council from sales of impounded cattle. Ford over Wakefield to be done. Receipts, £61 5s. 8d.; payments, £148 12s. 9d.
Railway Station Building Sites
MINTARO RAILWAY STATION BUILDING SITES. ALLOTMENTS facing the West Side of the Station TO be LET for a term expiring April 6, 1876. Apply to Henry A. Wood, Victoria square, Adelaide.
Property and Stock Sale
PRELIMINARY NOTICE. THE ENGLISH AND AUSTRALIAN COPPER COMPANY, LIMITED. IMPORTANT SALE OF FREEHOLD PROPERTY AND STOCK. In consequence of the Railway Extensions, the above Company will cause to be Sold by Auction, about the end of the present year, their VALUABLE TEAM STATIONS, FARM, and other COUNTRY LAND; also MULES, HORSES, WAGGONS, and IMPLEMENTS, viz. :— … KADLUNGA FARM, near MINTARO, 937 acres, fenced, with Stone House and other Buildings, Yards, and a fine Stream of Fresh Water always running. … SECTIONS 3035 and 3036 (near Mintaro), 150 acres of rich arable land, and running water. … N.B.—Most of the above Sections were selected the early days of the colony on account of water and other natural advantages.
New building sites
LAND AND HOUSES. MINTARO RAILWAY STATION. BUILDING SITES. ALLOTMENTS facing the West Side of the Station TO be LET for a term expiring April 6, 1876. Apply to Henry A. Wood, Victoria-square; Adelaide.
Stanley Meeting
STANLEY. October 30. — Present— Messrs. Brown and Dowd. No quorum. November 13.— Present— All. Dr. Webb to be written to stating Council will meet on ground of proposed exchange of roads near Wether’s, Saturday, November 20, at half-past 12 o’clock, to arrange. Tender accepted — No. 42, James Torr, 15s. per chain ; No. 40, no tenders. Council having inspected working of Mellor’s patent double-furrow plough, expressed themselves very much pleased with it, as it is of lighter draught than the ordinary ploughs now in use, and makes excellent work. Cheque for £36 5s. to be forwarded to Clare District Council, being half cost of work on boundary-road near Trilling’s Hill. Mr. Dowd having made complaint that his fence on west side of Sections 340, 342, 344. and on one side of road allowed to be closed by the Council is much damaged by cattle, &c. Messrs. P. Clerken, J. Reilly, and G. Earle to be warned, that if the same is not discontinued, Council will cause road to be opened immediately. Poundkeeper to have his board of fees and charges repainted and made legible. Receipts, £26 1s. 8d. ; payments, £55 16s. 9d.
Clare meeting
CLARE, OCTOBER 18. Present—All. Clerk to write to the District Council of Stanley, that as the Clare District Council have passed the work at Trilling’s Hill, and paid for it, they cannot see the use of meeting them about it, and respectfully request payment of the £36 5s.; also write that Messrs. Bray and Hitchcox will meet them at Mr. D. Thomas’s on November 2, respecting exchange of boundary road. Mr. Dugan applied to have repairs done at Spring Gully. To be attended to when Council in funds.