Mintaro report

THE ROAD FROM AUBURN TO PORT WAKEFIELD. TO THE EDITOR. Sir—Your Mintaro correspondent is evidently unacquainted with the matter he referred to in reference to the meeting that took place at Auburn to endevour to get the road hence to Port Wakefield placed on the schedule of main roads. Both the roads from Auburn and Leasingham form a junction at Skillogolee Creek, about six miles out of the 30 to the Port; and the meeting thought it the wisest course to ask that the best aind widest road should be taken, and not, as is inferred, “that one part of the district should he elevated at the fall of another.” Such statements are only apt to mislead when correspondents take up a cause out of their own district, for he mentions that there is a difference of between six and seven miles between the Auburn and Leasingham routes from the Burra, thus plainly showing that he is totally unacquainted with what he has written about, for the actual difference is not half, but to compensate for that there is a better and wider road. I am, Sir, &c., AN AUBURNITE.

Central road board

CENTRAL ROAD BOARD. Thursday, February 10. … Contracts Completed Satisfactorily. … No. 4358. Kooringa and Port Wakefield-road—Constructing bridge over creek at Mintaro. … Contracts in Progress. … No. 4350. Kooringa and Port Wakefield-road—Delivering and stacking 400 cubic yards 2½-inch metal, Leasingham and Mintaro. … MINTARO. A letter was received from R. Palmer, stating that the main road leading north from Mintaro was closed owing to the damage done to a culvert by the recent flood, and consequently the traffic was diverted on to a district road, and trusting that something would be done in the matter at once. The Board replied that the matter was being attended to. … BRIDGE AT MINTARO. A memorial was received from 19 inhabitants of Mintaro respecting the damage done to the bridge at Mintaro in course of erection by Mr. W. Bond (Contract 4358), and trusting that the Board would take the matter into their favourable consideration, and allow something towards defraying the expense of the necessary repairs. The Board replied that under the circumstances they could not accede to the request. KOORINGA AND PORT WAKEFIELD-ROAD. The Burra District Council wrote, wishing the Board to define the road from Kooringa to Port Wakefield. The land was being fenced, and from the statements of residents no passable road would soon be available. To be attended to. FORD AT WALKEY CREEK. The Stanley District Council wrote, calling attention to the state of the road at Walkey Creek, near Mintaro; the ford having been washed away by the late flood the road was impassable. Also to the condition of the road between Daveyston and the Cross-roads, and mentioning, that up to the present time the traffic had gone over private property, but this being fenced it was now next to impossible to travel to the Burra with a vehicle, and requesting that the necessary repairs might be effected at the places indicated. The Board replied that no funds were available for the purpose…  

Mintaro Report

MINTARO. [From our own Correspondent.] Mintaro, April 27. Since my last correspondence we have had a delightful change in the weather—from a summer heat to an autumnal coolness, with a few nice showers. The sky now looks very promising for rain, which will gladden the hearts of our farmers, many of whom are turning up great quantities of land, not at all disheartened with the late year’s prices of grain, but working with a manly spirit, merely hoping that the times may mend. But at the same time that rains are so acceptable to the farmer, the roads to our market, via the Burra, are almost rendered impassable by them, and no improvement is likely to take place in consequence of their not being under the power of any District Council immediately after leaving Mintaro. A memorial to His Excellency is going its rounds for signature, and no doubt it will be numerously signed, to form a district in that locality; and I for one of many hope that it will be granted, although I believe it will not meet the views of a few of our mutton kings. We are still having further improvements in our township. Our worthy miller is still adding buildings to his property, which helps to enliven us. Our little township now consists of three places of worship (good buildings), two stores, two blacksmiths’ shops, three carpenters’ shops, two public-houses, three butchers’ shops, one school and one steam flour-mill. The District Council have turned their attention to us, and I must certainly say not before it was needed. They are now cutting through Cox’s Hill, which will be a great benefit to all loading passing through our township this winter.

The President Elect

THE PRESIDENT-ELECT. BY A LAYMAN. Mintaro is only a little country village but it has given this State some foremost men in ministerial and professional life. Think of the names—the Frys, the Jollys, the Lathleans, the Mortimers, the Browns. They counted for something in the last century and their succeeding generation is a force in the community to-day. The first Rhodes Scholar—Norman Jolly, Professor Jethro Brown, Dr. E. Brown, R. H. Lathlean, Rev. A. S. J. Fry, Rev. W. J. Mortimer, and many others—all making good. Buckle in his “History of Civilization” credits geographical boundaries and climatic conditions with the production of different types of brain power. Mintaro’s seclusion—being a little way off the map of railways—may have had something to do with, the types it produced, but it is our belief that the character of the men of Mintaro of 1850 or thereabout, had more to do with the materializing of the intellectual qualities of the men named. It was a pretty story that Mr. Mortimer told the Conference of his being influenced early in life by the Rev. A. Stubbs and if ever a man engraved on his escutcheon the words, “Pass it on,” Mr. Mortimer has done so and made it the motto of his life. The writer came to know him when he used to wield the willow effectively and the early friendship has been deepened with the advancing years. In Millicent he had a Bible class of about 100 members, meeting regularly each week. It stands as a record for a country town. In the Aldgate circuit he gave Methodism a fillip which should have made it a constant joy to visitors to the hills. His work at Malvern was unique. Organisation was one of his keynotes of the lift he gave to Sunday school and church, marking an important stage in progress. If it were whispered in his ear that Mr.———— ought to be in the church, but for some reason was out of it, then Mr. Mortimer adroitly approached the individual, diagnosed his case, prescribed the essentials for restoration and in a few weeks there was added to the church another brother, another worker. Young fellows of the adolescent stage and over went to him with their problems and in his study many a lad was helped over stiles and placed on the right track. Decision Day with Mr. Mortimer was all-important; it was not a mere effervescence, it was planned and prepared for; the seal was set upon it and it was the beginning of a new life for many young people. What applies to Malvern applies to any and every circuit in which Mr. Mortimer has laboured. Broken Hill needed a man, but the representatives were in a long (Continued on page 762).


Centenary Mr. Ken Whitford, of Myponga, well known for his illustrations of the ‘Myponga School Centenary’ booklet, and also ‘The Inman Story’, has done it again. This time he has very effectively carried out the sketching in a commemorative booklet produced to mark the centenary of the Mintaro public school in the mid-north. Mr. Whitford’s sketches in no small manner help to preserve a great deal of the colourful history of the towns concerned.

Obituary M A W Mitchell

Late M. A. W. Mitchell The death occurred on December 30 of Mr. Alfred William Mitchell, of Cornhill Road, Victor Harbour (sic), in his 73rd year. Mr. Mitchell had been in ill health for a considerable time and spent many months in hospital during the past year. Born at Torrens Vale, he spent his early days there and in 1914 took up farming at Mintaro. In 1948 he retired to Victor Harbour. where his friendly disposition made him well respected throughout. He was an active member of the bowling club and took a keen interest in other local sports. Prior to the funeral at the Victor Harbour cemetery, a service was conducted by Rev. G. Culum. Present at the graveside were many northern country people. Mr. Mitchell is survived by his widow, a son, Eric, of Mintaro, and daughter, Mrs. G. Hughes, and five grandchildren.

Rostrevor Scholarships

ROSTREVOR SCHOLARSHIPS Boarding Scholarships valued at £50 per year for five years were won by Robert Gaffney (Orroroo Higher Primary), Brian McNamara (St. Joseph’s, Mintaro), and Barry Cunningham (St. Joseph’s, Georgetown). Day Pupil Scholarships valued at £10 per year for five years were won by Peter Hamilton (Good Samaritan Convent, Whyalla), Kevin Daly (Rostrevor College), and Michael Betts (Rostrevor College). Congratulations to these successful candidates and to their teachers.

Centenary of Trelawney Farm

CENTENARY OF TRELAWNEY FARM AT MINTARO. CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES LIKELY. Mr. George Sandow of “Trelawney”, St. Ives, Cornwall, born December 6th 1820, decided when he grew to manhood to immigrate to Australia with his family in the sailing vessel “Electric” on September 24th 1852. COPPER MINING AT BURRA. Being of the mining inclination, when landing in Australia, he made his way to the copper mining town of Redruth (Burra) of South Australia, the only means of transport being by bullock waggon. After a period at the mining centre the pioneer decided to take up land on the fertile flat known as Honey Suckle Flat in the upper Wakefield district about four miles south of Mintaro. Mintaro is a Spanish word meaning “resting place” where the men carting the copper ore to Port Wakefield stayed as a half-way house. FOUNDATION OF “TREWLANEY” On November 16th of the year 1854 George Sandow secured Certificate of Title 659180 Hundred of Upper Wakefield Sec. 237 from Joseph Gilbert for sum of £240 — 80 acres at the rate of £3 per acre. On the farm known as “Trelawney” was erected a solidly built stone house of six rooms which is standing to this day and now forms the centre portion of a re-modelled home. At the death of the pioneer this property came to his son, John Michael Sandow, the father of Arthur Leo Sandow and now is occupied by the fourth generation, namely John Michael Sandow the second. At the end of the War, their sons Ken and Ross, after serving in the R.A.A.F., came back and settled down on their farms. A TRIP TO ENGLAND. In 1949, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sandow, now of “St. Ives”, Glenunga, at that time at “Trelawney” Mintaro, made a trip to England and the Continent and particularly made it one of their chief interests to go to St. Ives, and look up Trelawney and any of the Sandow descendants. At the outset we found a street called Sandow Lane. The first Sandow contacted at St. Ives was the manager of the Co-operative Stores. The next one lived on a farm about 10 miles out from St. Ives, and the Sandow families at various ages had lived on the original portion of it for 700 years. They had three farms nearly joining one another, with the present generation of three sons living on them, — Milking at that time 150 cows and carrying other stock. After a cup of tea and a general chat we concluded there was definitely a relationship. Incidentally the Hotel at St. Ives “Tregenna Castle” at which we stayed had a main entrance hall measuring 183 feet by 21 feet wide and air-conditioned. THE PIONEER. Again referring to the pioneer. George Sandow, — in 1869, June 18th of the year, he transferred a building block on the corner of Section 237 for the purpose of erecting a church, to the trustees of the Bible Christian Society. He also added more 80 acre sections and his son, John Michael and the present Sandows have increased the holding of “Trelawneyy” (sic) to just under 3,000 acres. It was of grateful interest when we informed the English people over 1,000 lambs per year for ten years had been exported to England off Trelawney farm. FIRST SUPERPHOSPHATE AND SEED DRILL. If it may be stated, it is evident Sandows were rather progressive and early to seize an opportunity which appeared like a step forward. My father, (says Mr. A. L. Sandow of Glenunga) was one of the first, if not the first, to purchase the windmill for pumping water into an elevated tank for reticulation around the homestead, the first to introduce superphosphate and the seed drill in the district. The critical farmers who said it would cramp the growth of the wheat planting it in rows and spoil the ground were wrong. The next season proved the experiment to be successful in returning bags per acre instead of bushels. To bear out the convictions of the follow-on generations the number of tons of super used on Trelawney farm last year was 150 tons. FIRST TOP-DRESSING BY AEROPLANE. The present Sandow boys were the first to introduce top-dressing by aeroplane in the district. A ton of subterranean clover seed has been distributed over the property and they are still sowing it. As is easy to conclude being a farming area so original back to 1854, one can easily realise the results of super and grasses and the necessity of it. To give an illustration portion of the first Sec. 237 of 80 acres, a thirty acre paddock of lucerne was twice cut and baled last season, after which the paddock was shut up to be reaped for seed and the proceeds of the seed amounted to £1,000. WHEAT AND WOOL. With the inclusion of farming wheat, oats and barley and at the present progress of development, the number of sheep carried through the year and shorn were 4,100, using Bungaree rams and Dorset Horn when mating for export lambs. In addition a herd of 150 head of beef cattle, included in this number would be the Aberdeen Angus stud, known as “Winwara”, the ten females, due to calve, of which were purchased at the dispersal sale of the “Waratah” stud in June, 1952, from the Estate of the late A. L. Dunn of Asbourne near Strathalbyn. CELEBRATING XMAS 1954. To celebrate this Centenary Year, a family gathering is being arranged at Christmas time at “Trelawney.” The “Northen (sic) Argus” wishes the Sandow family all the best for its Christmas festivities and re-union.

Hogath Passing

HOGARTH.— On December 10, at 5 Sturt street, Grange, Doreen, beloved wife of Ronald Keith Hogarth, of Mintaro, and loving mother of Tom and John. … HOGARTH.— The Friends of Mr. RONALD KEITH HOGARTH, of Mintaro, are respectfully informed that the Funeral of his late WIFE (Doreen) will Leave the Residence of her sister, Miss Dunk, 5 Sturt street, Grange, on Saturday at 10 a.m. for the Centennial Park Cemetery. F. T. ELLIOTT & SONS, Funeral Directors, Hindmarsh.

Mintaro News

MINTARO News. From our own Correspondent. The Mintaro Croquet Club celebrated their 25th. Anniversary on Thursday Nov. 18th. The President Mrs. T. E. Jacka welcomed all visitors and introduced Mrs. C. G. Puckridge of St. Peter’s, a former member and secretary of the Club, who with well chosen words declared the Lawn open. A posy was then presented to her by little Margaret Marston. The following clubs were represented — Auburn, Blyth, Burra North, Clare, Watervale, Riverton. The lovely birthday cake was presented by Mrs. Puckridge, fanned out by Mrs. Pugsley a foundation member, the cake was cut by Mrs. Lloyd, also a foundation member. During the afternoon competitions were played, the winners were:— Ladder, Mrs. Mausolf; Skittles, Mrs. Barrett; Hoops on angle, Mrs. Johnston; A trading table was in the hands of Mrs. Vin Jenner and was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. T. E. Jacka has been president since the club was formed 25 years ago.