The Wesleyan Methodists at Mintaro.
—The foundation stone of a new Wesleyan Chapel was laid in the township of Mintaro, on Wednesday, the 3rd instant, at 2 o’clock p.m. At the request of the trustees, the Rev. R. C. Flockart performed the ceremony, and preaceed (sic) a sermon suited to the occasion. After which there was a collection in aid of the fund for the proposed building, which amounted to upwards of £14. At half-past 3 o’clock about 150 persons sat down to tea in the Church School-room, kindly lent for that purpose. All seemed to enjoy most heartily the excellent provisions, refreshments, and delicacies, which were abundantly supplied by the ladies identified with the Wesleyan cause at Mintaro. The friends from distant places bad been provided with a good repast at 12 o’clock noon. Happiness beamed in every face; and from the deep interest manifested by the people in the neighbourhood much spiritual good was anticipated as the result of the establishment of a Bethel in that place. The cordial thanks of the meeting having been presented to the ladies, the proceedings of an exceedingly happy day were closed by singing and prayer. The land has been kindly presented by Dr. Browne. The total proceeds towards the Chapel fund amounted to upwards of £100.