VICTORY.—This Splendid Powerful Draught Entire is a Bright Bay with Black Points, 5 years old, stands 16½ hands, has a beautiful head well put on, with a fine crest and splendid top; and for any class of mares is considered to be one of the best in the colony. He is by the imported horse Victor, out of an imported Suffolk mare.
VICTORY will leave the Farm, lately the property of Mr. Wiles, near Auburn, on the 19th of August, and will call at Long’s, Skilly Creek, stopping the night at Levi Collin’s, Hoyle’s Plains; 20th by way of Hoyleton, stopping the night at Mr. Lawson’s Farm, White Well; 21st via Blyth’s Plains, Bumburnie, calling at G. H. Carter’s, Clare, for the night; 22nd via Spring Farm and Farrell’s Flat, stopping the night at Dunn’s Farm, Walkey Creek; 23rd via Mintaro, Leasingham, and home; 24th calling at Riverton, stopping at Rhynie for the night; 25th via Woolshed Flat, home, where he will remain one day, and resume his rounds every ninth day (Sundays excepted).
Terms, £2 7s. 6d., including Groomage, payable on or before the 1st January, 1873. Paddocking Free for the first month, without responsibility; after that time 2s. a week.