Torr, Candidate for Stanley

A meeting was held at Mintaro Hotel on Friday, March 4, to hear Mr. James Torr, a candidate for Stanley, explain his views on the leading topics of the day. Mr. George Faulkner presided, and in introducing the candidate said he was not bringing forward a stranger, but an old friend and a resident of upwards of 20 years in the district.
Mr. James Torr said he did not intend making a long speech, but would in a few remarks give his opinions on leading questions. He considered that the Governor had done quite right in exercising his prerogative by dissolving the House of Assembly, as that House was doing no good for the country. On the land question he thought there should be free selection before survey; price not more than 20s. per acre, to be paid 2s. per acre in advance, with such restrictions as would be the means of placing the best land within the reach of bona fide farmers. He could not approve of the present system, for he had been a land-buyer for the last 23 years, and had been greatly humbugged by land-jobbers, although he had never employed one. It was time some of tho old members should be put out of the House, and he was confident that a more honest person to represent the large and important District of Stanley could not be put in than himself. (Cheers.)
Mr. Dowd asked the candidate’s opinion on the education question.
Mr. Torr would assist country schools where population was sparse, but not town. He would also advocate secular instruction, leaving the religious part to parents and ministers. In answer to Mr. Hill, he said he would make the insolvent law much stricter, and do away with assignments altogether, as that was the means used by a dishonest person to pick the pockets of the honest trader. (Hear, hear.) Several other questions of minor importance were answered satisfactorily.
Mr. Hill then proposed Mr. James Torr.
Messrs. Horan and Piper seconded, and the Chairman declared the motion carried unanimously.
Thanks to the Chairman closed the meeting, at which about 80 were present.