Tobin Auction

ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, At 1 o’clock sharp.
W. E. GILES has received instructions from M. A. Tobin & Co. (who have disposed of their business) to sell by auction, as above—
The whole of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS, comprising Drawing-Room Suite (Horsehair, 8 Pieces), Piano, Pier Glass, Pictures, Carpets, Curtains and Poles, Bedsteads and Bedding, Chests of Drawers, Washstands, Sofas, Chairs, Tables, Electroplated Ware, Glass Ware, Safe, Dresser, Crockery, Mangle, Tanks, Sewing Machine, Washing Machine, Wringer, and all the usual requisites of a well appointed household.
Lady’s Saddle and Bridle, 1 good, quiet Milch Cow, and 2 Pigs.
The whole to be sold positively without any reserve.
Terms Cash.