MINTARO. November 28.—The annual strawberry fete in connection with St Peter’s Anglican Church was held in the Institute on Saturday last The rector (Rev. C. S. Hall) declared the fete open, and brisk busuiness was done. The net takings were £22, which sum will be devoted towards wiping off the debt of £30 owing on the church. The stallholders were:—Strawberries and cream and ice cream, Mrs. W. T. Mortlock and Misses Doswell and Hammond; cakes and sweets, Mrs. J. Malcolm and Miss Norman; afternoon tea, Mrs. Weston and Misses Weston (2); Christmas tree, Mrs. Beer ; bran pie, Mrs. Alcock; cool drinks, Master G. Beer. Musical items were rendered during the evening by Misses Parsons, Hammond, Doswell, Norman and Weston.