MINTARO.—On Saturday a strawberry fete was held in the institute, in aid of St. Peter’s Church, Mintaro. There was a good attendance, and brisk business was done. The Rev. Mr. Hall (rector), in a short, appropriate speech, declared the bazaar open, and in the evening superintended a shooting gallery. Stallholders:— Strawberries and cream, Mrs. W. T. Mortlock and Miss Doswell; sweets and cakes, Mrs. Malcom and Miss Gwynne; afternoon tea, Mrs. Weston; Christmas tree, Mrs. Beer and Mrs. Pulford; branpie (sic), Mrs. Alcock; cool drinks, Master Beer. In the evening a few musical items added interest. Two songs were beautifully sung by Miss Muriel Parsons, and Miss Hammond gave two charming Irish songs in character, ably assisted by the Misses Doswell, Norman, and Weston. The proceeds were £23 12/. Mrs. Mortlock and her helpers are to be congratulated on the result their enthusiastic work.