STANLEY, Saturday, March 11.
Present—The Chairman, and all the members. Overseer reported having employed a dayman. Repairs on road through section 315 let for £5, and at Church street for £1 10s. Notice received from the bank, of receipt of grant in aid; also letter from North Midland Road Board re appropriation of funds. Messrs. Priest, McNamara, and Kimber nominated for members of the Road Board. Council agreed to join an Association of District Chairmen if one is formed in the North. Works ordered—Repairs on road between Mintaro and the quarry, and between quarry paddocks and Chewings’s; repairs footbridge on Hill River; metalling 1 chain and forming 3 chains between Bowman’s and Cunneen’s; forming about 20 chains between Dunn’s and Bowman’s; metalling about 5 chains near Horgan’s; repairs to creek near Torr’s. Receipts, £180 4s 5d; payments, £45 6s.