Present — Chairman, Crs. Tralaggan, Nykiel, and Horgan. Tender accepted — No. 141, J. Schuls, £9 10s. Clerk to inform Mr. McLeish that new road through Section 316 would be opened in a month; also to inform Mr. Bowman that reserve on Section 2153 must be thrown open. Large posts to be put down at corners of White Quarry Reserve. Mr. Harrold to have 30s. for repairs to creek opposite his house. Mr. Jolly allowed to take sand or gravel from roads or reserves in district. Clerk to write to Council of Education, calling their attention to necessity for a school at head of Wakefield. Mr. Brigge’s resignation as Ranger accepted. Works ordered—Repairs to Mintaro Gap between Sections 156 and 159, Hill River, and between Allotments 54 and 45, Mintaro North. Receipts, £10 18s. 11d.; payments, £35 15s. 6d.