[District Councils.]
December 10.—Present—Chairman, Messrs. Bowman, Jolly, and Faulkner. Letter from Clare Council, declining to assist in making ford by Section 508. Public to be cautioned against any infringement of the Bush Fires Act. Clare Council to be written to to know if they will assist in repairing boundary road near Trilling’s Hill. Overseer of Works to get some panels of fencing put up both sides of made road in Wakefield-street. Application to bring Cemetery under Real Property Act to be forwarded to Mr. Cotton. Mr. S. Roberts to be noticed to destroy Scotch thistles. Messrs. Fry and Horan, licensed teachers, allowed £2 and £1 10s respectively for prizes. Rate notices to be issued. Works ordered:—Crossing near corner of Section 306, Hill River; repairs to creeks at Wockie; near Gubbin’s; near Company’s Gate; Wakefield; Kite-street; Mintaro; and near Mr. Torr’s. Payments, £35 15s.