STANLEY, February 20.
Present-The Chairman and Messrs. Dowd and Meany. Tender accepted—For making ford over Walkey Creek. H. Kerns, £9 18s. 6d. Mr. Meany reported having had creek on Farrell’s Flat repaired. Letter read from the Crown Lands Office, stating that deviations in roads in Bowman’s Block had never been legally conveyed. Clerk to write to the trustees of the estate respecting the exchange. Memorial to be drawn up, praying the Governor to proclaim Stanley a Police District. Work ordered—Forming and metalling portion of road between Sections 387 and 394, Farrell’s Flat Messrs, Dowd and Meany to get a ford made near Mrs. Knevett’s, Farrell’s Flat, but not to exceed 50s. Receipts, £11 18s. 6d.