TO be SOLD, or LET with Right of Purchase, the MINTARO HOTEL, with the GENERAL STORE adjoining. It is situate about 20 miles from the Burra, on the MAIN LINE of ROAD to PORT WAKEFIELD, in the rising township of Mintaro, in a well-populated neighbourhood, and has been established nearly seven years. The present proprietor leaving the colony being the only reason for disposing of it.
The House is most substantially built of Stone, and contains 11 rooms. There is an excellent Well of Water with patent pump fixed, Stable, and Stockyards; also, a Paddock of 40 acres, well fenced, with water in it nearly all the year. They can be sold together or separate, and the Stock and Furniture, both of the Hotel and Store, which are newly assorted and of the best quality, can be taken or not, as agreed upon.
For terms and particulars apply to the proprietor, M. B. Muir, on the premises; or to Mr. Wm. Milne, Grenfell-street, Adelaide.