Roads to Mintaro Station

A public meeting, convened by advertisement, was held in the Long Room of the Devonshire Hotel on Tuesday evening, Mr. T. Priest, District Chairman, presiding. The object was to consider the advisability of memorializing the Government for a sum to enable the Council to make the road east and west of the Railway Station.
The Chairman referred to this line being impassable during the winter months. He had to leave a loaded wagon for a fortnight stuck in the mud last winter to his great disadvantage. The Council with their limited means would be quite unable to form the road. He had noticed that the Riverton people were taking action in a similar matter, and had no doubt that if the Executive were made acquainted with the facts they would move in the matter.
Mr. Faulkner proposed—
“That the Government be memorialized to place in the hands of this Council a sufficient sum of money for making the road east and west of Mintaro Railway Station.”
This line was the worst in the district in the winter, and evidently could not be made by the Council unless furnished with means by the Government. It would be better for the work to be done by the Council, as they could make £700 go as far as the Road Board could £1,000.
Mr. Giles seconded. The Government had borrowed and expended a large sum in constructing the line, and it would be to their interest to make it pay as well as possible. The best way was to make the principal feeders to the Stations passable; for, if not, it was quite clear that the people could not use and in consequence the railway would be a loss.
Mr. T. Smith supported. He was sorry that larger number of agriculturists were not present to take an interest in the proceedings. It certainly seemed that many did not care about the roads until they got bogged; then they soon cried for help. It would not be just to the other parts of the district for the Council to expend all their money on the road, for there were other places that had an equal claim. They must therefore look to the Government for help.
Mr. Lindoo fully endorsed what had been said.
Mr. Arnold concurred, and urged the desirability of forming a strong Committee, which he believed would greatly weigh with the Government.
Carried unanimously.
The Chairman, Messrs. Faulkner, Jolly, Lathlean, and Arnold, with power to add to their number, were then appointed the Committee to carry out the resolutions, and an orderly gathering dispersed.