Gawler.—A correspondent writes as follows:—”On Good Friday the Wesleyan Methodists of Gawler invited the Rev. N. Bennett to a farewell tea meeting. There was a large gathering of friends to the tea, and in the evening a public meeting, convened as a ‘harvest thanksgiving’ meeting, was held, presided over by Mr. S. Bakewell, M.P., at which several of the local preachers and office-bearers expressed their unfeigned regard for Mr. Bennett and their appreciation of his unwearied labours during the three years he had resided among them, as well as their fervent desire for the future happiness and usefulness of himself and Mrs. Bennett in the Mintaro Circuit, whither they are about to proceed. At the same time all stated that they heartily approved of the policy of Methodism, which insists on the periodical change of ministers, after the example of the first preachers of the Gospel, as recorded in Holy Scripture. The proceeds of the day amounted to about £20, and the worthy Chairman warmly eulogized (sic) the good feeling evinced by the meeting towards their retiring minister, and said he was most happy to meet them on such an occasion.”