Rechabite Jubilee

On Friday last Brother C. Hodgson, High Treasurer, an English Rechabite delegate recently arrived in the colony, and other brothers from Adelaide, visited Clare, and met with a hearty reception. Tea was provided in the Institute, and between 40 and 50 sat down to a substantial repast, ample justice being done to the good things on the tables. Several toasts were proposed and responded to, Mr. W. Kelly being in the chair. A torchlight procession was then formed, headed by the Mintaro Brass Band discoursing sweet music, and a march, made to the Town Hall, where a public meeting was held. The admission being free the building was crowded with ladies, old men, young men, youths, and little boys. The proceedings opened with a selection from the band, three members or which are ladies, who played very nicely. Brother E. Alcock, D.S. , occupied the chair, and called upon
Brother T. Moyses, who said he had much pleasure in welcoming to Clare Brother Hodgson and the other delegates. He need hardly say that Brother Hodgson was a delegate from England, and it was only 10 weeks since he left Penzance—a dear spot to the speaker—in the western part of England. He had resided 30 years in Clare, and had much pleasure on behalf of the town and the Rechabites in welcoming the delegates. Rechabite was going to be a big man. (Laughter.) He had done a great work in the past, and would even do a greater work in the future. (Cheers.)
The Chairman was pleased to be present to celebrate their jubilee.

During the evening the Mintaro Brass Band enlivened the proceedings with choice music, well played.