Primitive Methodism in Saddleworth

Primitive Methodism at Saddleworth.—A correspondent writes:—”Special services in connection with the Primitive Methodist Chapel, Glendore, were held on Sunday, September 10. Three impressive sermons were preached by the Rev. W. Jenkin to large and attentive audiences. On the following Monday a public tea was provided, to which (notwithstanding the unfavourable state of the weather) a large number sat down. In the course of the evening a public meeting was convened in the chapel. Mr. W. Hunt, sen., of Mintaro, was voted to the chair, who, after making a few appropriate introductory remarks, called on the Revs. W. Jenkin, S. Raymond, W. H. Harry, and Messrs. J. Hooper, B. Hubert, and J. Kinsey to address the meeting, which they did in an interesting manner. The proceeds were found to be highly satisfactory. After the usual votes of thanks to the ladies for providing the tea, to the Chairman, &c., the meeting was closed by singing the doxology and prayer.”