The above chapel was opened for Divine Worship, on Sunday, the 5th instant, when three sermons were preached. Those in the morning and evening, by the Rev. Daniel J. Draper, and that in the afternoon by the Rev. Robert C. Flockart. The congregations were very good, and the collections most liberal.
On the Monday following, a tea meeting was held in the chapel, when a large number of persons from the neighbourhood around, and several from the Burra sat down to one of the best and most abundantly supplied refreshment we have ever seen, very tastefully and cheerfully presented by the ladies.
After the tea, a public meeting was held. It was commenced by singing a hynm, after which the Rev. Mathew Wilson engaged in prayer. Mr C. Smedley, of Kapunda having been called to the chair, he delivered a very powerful and eloquent address. The financial statement was then read, when it appeared that the chapel (which is a beautliful and well built place of worship, 20 by 30 ft inside) with the furniture which cost about £370. The meeting was then addressed by the Rev. Messrs Draper, Wilson, and Flockart, and Messrs Moyses, and Pearce.
The addresses were followed by the brighest (sic) manifestations of benevolence we have ever witnessed. The noble sum of £142 was raised on Sunday, and Monday during the various services. And by adding to this amount the sum of £108 subscribed prior to the opening of the chapel, makes the handsome total of £250.
After hearty thanks having been presented to the ladies for their kind assistance, and the Rev. Daniel J. Draper, and Mr C. Smedley, for their valuable services, the meeting closed with singing and prayer.