[From our own Correspondent]
The sixth annual exhibition of grain, fruit, &c., in connection with the Northern Agricultural Society, took place on Thursday, February 26, at Mintaro. The weather was all that could be desired for such an occasion; and the success of all country exhibitions may be said to rest very much on that circumstance, especially in such a scattered district as this Society embraces. The show of fruit was very line. The same remark will apply to vegetables generally; the turnips and carrots were quite equal to any seen in Adelaide. The most surprising thing was the small number of exhibitors in wheat, there being only three; and the fact is undisputed that the finest wheat has been grown in the district this season that has ever been produced. The remark was freely made by wheatgrowers, when examining the samples shown, that they could have quite equalled, if not surpassed them, had they chosen to do so. To say the least, it shows a want of interest in the Society that is much to be regretted. The show of dairy produce was very good, although a difference of opinion existed, contrary to the Judges award, in the case of fresh and potted butter. There was a good show of jams and jellies. The samples of currants, raisins, and dried apples were superior to any imported, at least in general consumption.
The attendance of visitors was extremely good, and the proceeds of the charge for admission must have been satisfactory. The only drawback to be noticed was the absence of the kind of music which was expected to have been present, and which I understand the Hon. Secretary, Mr. Arthur King, had entrusted another party (who has left the district) to procure, but which he failed in doing. Three mounted troopers were on he ground, but we are happy to say that their services were not required, for general good feeling prevailed.
… [prize list] …
In the evening the dinner took place in the large room of the Devonshire Hotel, when about 40 sat down. Mr. E. B. Gleeson, S.M., occupied the chair, and Mr. John Brewer the vice-chair. The usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given in the Chairman’s own happy style, and heartily responded to. The Hon. Secretary (Mr. Arthur King), in returning thanks for the manner in which his health had been drunk, took the opportunity of stating in a very clear and lucid manner the duty of the Committee and members generally towards the Society. He claimed that support which the objects of the Society warranted. A very pleasant meeting terminated about 10 o’clock.