The twenty second annual exhibition of the Northern Agricultural Society was held at the pretty and picturesque township of Mintaro on Thursday, March 9. The day was unexceptionably fine, and large numbers of people availed themselves of this opportunity for a holiday. The township donned holiday attire, flags being freely displayed. King Sol for once was gracious, and hid his fiery head from view behind the clouds. Several buggies were in attendance at the Railway Station, to convey visitors to Mintaro. amongst whom were noticeable Sir George Kingston, Kt., M.P., Mr. H. E. Bright, M.P., and Mr. C. Mann, M.P. The exhibition was held in the large room at the rear of the Devonshire Hotel. The show of fruit was particularly fine. Apples and pears were of splendid quality, large and well-flavored, and the competition in this class was very large. The show of grapes was remarkably good, as well as numerous. The exhibits of manufactured articles were few, but select. The wines exhibited were not numerous, there being only six exhibits in that class. In vegetables, melons and cucumbers occupied a chief share of the attention of visitors, the cucumbers being more than ordinarily good; some well-grown carrots also excited attention. Messrs. C. B. Fisher and John Hunt were large prize-takers in the various exhibits. Mr. John Tickle was also particularly fortunate in this respect. About 400 people attended the Show, and were by no means chary of their praise, which was entirely in favor of the Mintaro people. During the day the Clare Band enlivened the proceedings with selections of music, to the evident delight of the fair sex, who mustered in considerable numbers. Over £50 was awarded in prizes. On the whole, the Mintaro people are to be congratulated upon the very great success of their Show. The Committee, and the indefatigable Secretary, Mr. Carsine, deserve every praise for their energy in so successfully carrying out their onerous duties. The agricultural implement department was very poorly represented, very few exhibits being shown, and they were unworthy of particular notice, except a couple of reaping-machines, exhibited by Messrs. Adamson Bros., and Ramsay & Co. The latters was a very fine machine, and has carried off prizes at previous Shows.
[By Telegraph ]
About 60 persons sat down to dinner. The chair was taken by Mr. H. E. Bright, M.P., supported on the right by Sir G. S. Kingston, M.P., and Mr. J. D. Cave, J.P., and on the left by Mr. T. Hosier, Mayor of Clare, and Mr. J. Kelsh. Mr. T. Priest, J.P., was in the vice-chair. The dinner passed off well. The speakers referred in eulogistic terms to the general excellence of the show. It was spoken of as the best ever held in the district. The show, both of fruit and vegetables, was splendid, and would have done credit to the metropolis. Over 500 persons attended, and £20 was taken at the doors, and £5 for entries. The prizes amounted to £49 12s., and there is now a surplus of £30 to the credit of the Society. Two pumpkins exhibited weighed nearly 98¼ lbs. There were only a few exhibitors of wines and machinery.