Mortlock birthday celebration

On Saturday, April 14th, Martindale Hall, Mintaro, the residence of Mr. W. Tennant Mortlock, was the scene of a happy birthday celebration in honor of Master Jack Mortlock. A Punch and Judy show, character songs, and a reception by Commodore Nut; were successful items on the programme. After refreshments, a bran pie and a birthday tree, from which handsome presents were given to the little guests, finished the evening’s amusement. On the following Easter Monday Mr. and Mrs. Mortlock opened their house to the villagers of Mintaro, and all those on Martindale Estate, when a grand character concert was given by Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hammond and family, and Miss Ada Bray, members of Mrs. Mortlock’s Easter house-party. Successful items were Babies on our Block, by Mrs. Hammond, Huntingtower, by Mr. Hammond and Mrs. Mortlock, Miss Heather Hammond’s Geisha songs, graceful dances by Miss Bray, and The Bogie Man, by Mr. Hammond. After refreshments, the guests left about midnight.