ARTHUR KING begs to announce to the inhabitants of the Northern Districts generally that, at the request of many of his clients, he has determined on commencing the New Year with a
so alternating as to afford Settlers in all parts of the North a continued opportunity of effecting Sales or Purchases of any description of Goods or Chattels, alive or dead. The Sales will take place Weekly at the undermentioned Townships in the order specified:—
At RHYNIE, on the first Saturday in every month; first Sale on Saturday, the 6th of January, 1866.
At AUBURN, on the Second Saturday in every Month; first Sale on Saturday, January 13.
At WATERVALE, on the Third Saturday in every Month; First Sale on Saturday, January 20.
At MINTARO, on the Last Saturday in every Month; First Sale on Saturday, January 27.
At the above Sales every description of LIVESTOCK, GOODS, MERCHANDISE, &c., will be offered, and the Auctioneer will always be able to make arrangements to meet and satisfy any local demands for any particular class of Livestock or Goods which may at any time arise.
Entries received up to time of Sale.
Terms of Sale—Liberal in the extreme.
FIRST SALE at RHYNIE, Saturday, January, 6, 1866.
SECOND SALE at AUBURN, Saturday, January 13.
THIRD SALE at WATERVALE, Saturday, Januarv 20.
FOURTH SALE at MINTARO, Saturday, January 27.
And in that order throughout the year.