Monthly sale Mintaro Hotel

RUDOLPH PIPER, will hold a MONTHLY SALE at the MINTARO HOTEL, Mintaro, on the FIRST SATURDAY of every Month; also on the LAST SATURDAY of every Month, at the TRAVELLERS’ REST HOTEL, CLARE. At each place Entries will be taken up till 2 o’clock in the afternoon on the day of Sale.
RUDOLPH PIPER, Auctioneer.

N. SOWTON begs to inform Farmers, &c., in the Northern Districts, and the Public generally, that having taken an AUCTIONEER’S LICENCE, he is prepared to UNDERTAKE SALES of every description in all parts of the colony, and hopes, by unremitting attention, to merit a share of their patronage.
N. S. can assure them the utmost of his ability will at all times be at the disposal of those honouring him with their favours.
MONTHLY SALES will be held at AUBURN and CLARE, and every two months at RIVERTON and MINTARO.
N. S. would call the attention of those sending Stock or Goods of any kind to the advisability of early notice, that the utmost publicity may be given.
Dated Undalya, September 8, 1864.