No settlement has yet been effected in connection with the trouble that occurred with the relaying gang on the railway line at Mintaro on Tuesday, when about 100 men ceased work as a protest to one of the employes declining to take a ticket in the United Laborers Union. Mr. J. Murphy (secretary of the U.L.U.) returned to Adelaide by the Melbourne express on Wednesday morning, and, having made enquiries into the matter, he made the following statement:— “I was surprised to learn, on my arrival in Adelaide, that a lockout had occurred at Mintaro. Apparently the man who has caused all the trouble is backed up by some of the officials of the Government, who have notified the men engaged at the Burra quarries, where the ballast for the line is being procured, that they would be required to go down on the line and take the places of the men who ceased work. These men refused point-blank to have anything to do with the work on the line, and they have been told that if they do not accede to the request the quarries will be closed down. Apparently the officials are joining the ‘red-raggers’ in an endeavor (sic) to bring about a big strike. If this attitude is persisted in it will have serious and far-reaching effects, for such actions will not be tolerated by members of the U.L.U.”