Mintaro Show

The first show of garden and dairy produce in connection with the Mintaro Horticultural and Floricultural Society was held in the institute hall, Mintaro, on Friday, November 11. The attendance, especially during the afternoon, was very good, many of those present hailing from Clare, Auburn, and even more distant places. The exhibition of cut flowers and bouquets was excellent, and both classes were well represented. The entries for pot plants were not so numerous as was expected. A basket of cut flowers shown by Mrs. Harvey attracted much attention, and a collection of ferns, the property of Mr. Filewood, were greatly admired. The show of dairy produce was very good. Some samples of honey and a specimen of olive oil manufactured at Sevenhills College were considered specially worthy of mention. Miss Brown made the show more attractive by play ing several selections of music on the piano during the day. Taken on the whole the exhibition was very successful, and reflected great credit on the committee. The following is list of awards:—
Floriculture.—Pot plants, in bloom. Judges —Messrs. J. Fry, G. Belperian, and W. Kelly. Collection of plants. 12s 6d, E. Trellagan. Fuchsia, 2s 6d, Mrs. Lloyd. Mimulus, 3s 6d, H. D. Jolly. Camelia, 3s 6d, H.D. Jolly. Without reference to bloom—Ornamental plants, collection, 6s, H. D. Jolly. Three, 3s 6d, H. D. Jolly. Basket plant, 5s, H. D. Jolly. Cacti, collection, 7s 6d, G. McLeish. Ferns in pots, 5s, H. D. Jolly. Cut Flowers—Pelargoniums, show, 2s, Miss Bowman. Zonale pelargoniums, 4s, C. Holder. Three, 2s, C. Holder. Phlox Drummondii, 4s, J. Tickle. Ranunculi, 2s, J. Tickle, Gladioli, 2s. H. D. Jolly. Roses, collection, 5s, F. H. Western; 3s 6d. Miss Bowman. Roses, 5s, J. Tickle. Verbenas, 3s 6d, C. Holder. Pansies, 3s 6d, Miss Bowman; 2s 6d, H. D. Jolly, Antirrhinums, 3s 6d, H. D. Jolly. Sweet Williams, 3s 6d, J. Tickle. Dianthi; 3s 6d, H. D. Jolly. Petunias, double, 3s 6d, C. Holder. Petunias, single, 3s 6d, Miss Bowman. Annuals, 3s 6d, J. Tickle. Climbers, 3s 6d, J. Priaulx. Table bouquet, 7s 6d, Miss Roach; 5s, J. Tickle. Hand bouquet, 5s, J. Tickle; 3s Mrs. J. E. Bleechmore. Buttonhole bouquet, 4s, H. D. Jolly; 2s, Mrs. Western. Bridal bouquet, 4s, J. Tickle. Basket cut flowers, 5s, Mrs. Harvey—’Judges recommend No. 3 for a prize or honorable mention.’ Collection cut flowers, 20 varieties, 10s, J. Tickle; 5s, C. Holder. Floral design, 7s 6d, H. D. Jolly; 5s, J. Tickle. Collection of artificial flowers under shade, 5s, H. D. Jolly. Ferns or lyeopods, collection, 5s, R. J. Filewood. Collection wildflowers, 5s, J. Tickle; 2s 6d, R. J. Filewood. Remarks—’The judges considered the show of fiowers was most creditable, the cut flowers especially being very choice.’
Horticulture.—Apples, desert, 4s, C. Holder. Apples, kitchen, 4s, C. Holder. Strawberries, 4s, C. Holder.
Vegetables.—Judges—Messrs. E. Nolan, F. H. Weston, and W. Hudson. Cabbages, 3s, W. E. Madden. Cauliflowers, 3s, E. Trellagan—’Very indifferent.’ Turnips, 3s, C. Holder. Carrots, 3s, W. E. Maddern. Lettuces, 3s, W. E. Maddern. Peas, 3s, J.Fry. Rhubarb, 3s, E. Trellagan. Vegetables, collection, 10s, W. E. Maddern; 5s, J. Holder.
Dairy Produce—Judges—Messrs. W. Hudson, J. Williamson, and M. Tobin. Butter, salted, 7s 6d, J. Fry. Butter, fresh, 5s, J. Fry; 2s 6d, J.Fry. Cheese, 5s, W. E. Giles. Bacon, 10s, J. Tickle; 5s, J. Tickle—’Both very good.’ Ham, 7s 6d, J. Tickle; 5s, E. Trellagan—’Very good.’ Lard, 7s 6d, J. Tickle. Eggs, 5s, J. Fry.
Miscellaneous.—Judges—Messrs. W. Hudson, J. Williamson, and M. Tobin. Dried fruits, collection, 7s 6d, W. E. Giles. Wax, 7s 6d, J. Tickle. Honey, 7s 6d, J. Tickle—’Judges regret want of competition in dried fruits; honey very good.’ The prize for honey was forfeited to the society on account of deficiency in weight.
Unenumerated.—Olive oil, Sevenhills College—’Well worthy.’ Orange peel and syrup, Mrs. H. D. Jolly. Leather flowers, J. Tickle. Bread two loaves, Mrs. Hogbin. Gooseberries, J. Tickle. Paper basket with native grasses. Miss Penfold. Chinese proa, A. Wark. Ladies’ chair, Mrs. H. Jolly, sen. Artificial hand bouquet, J.Priaulx.
A promenade concert was held in the evening, which was taken part in by Miss Brown, Messrs. Fry and Williamson, and several other lady and gentleman amateurs. The programme, which consisted of songs, duets, quartettes, and selections on the piano, was well carried out.