The quiet-going and prosperous people of Mintaro and neighborhood in former years took a lively interest in all matters pertaining to floriculture and agriculture. They formed a part of the Northern Agricultural Society, and the shows were held periodically in Mintaro. It was, however, deemed advisable to hold the shows always at Auburn, as being central, and the arrangement not being satisfactory to the residents of Mintaro they ceased to take any active interest in the operations of the society. It caused considerable grief, however, to amateur florists and growers of produce that their flowers should bloom unseen save by their neighbors, and that their choice products should only be known to the consumers. To remedy such an undesirable state of things steps were taken by a few of the more active and practical residents to establish a horticultural and floricultural society in Mintaro. It was just the thing that was wanted, and a long list of guinea subscribers, was soon made up and the society formed. The first show was held in the Institute Hall on Friday, November 11, and the affair on the whole was a success. Everything was neatly arranged which reflected credit on the Committee and secretary. The show of pot plants was very meagre, but there was a profusion of cut flowers. There was keen competition in bouquets; some were evidently arranged by “‘prentice hands,” but there were a few put together very tastefully.
The dairy produce was very choice, the butter and bacon especially. There were also a few fine samples of honey. The vegetables shown were very good, but there was a lack of competition in fruit. A choice sample of olive oil manufactured at Sevenhills College was much admired. The baskets of cut flowers shown by Mrs. Harvey were magnificent, also the collection of ferns shown by Mr. R. G. Filewood. A Chinese proa exhibited by Mr. A. Wark was artistically constructed, and attracted much notice. Visitors were present from Clare, Auburn, and the neighboring townships, and the building was crowded during the afternoon.
During the afternoon Miss Brown played several pieces.
The following is the list of awards :—
Judges — Messrs. J. Fry, G. Belparian, and W. Kelly. Collection of plants in pots, not less than nine, 12s 6d, E. Trellagan, Fuchsia, one, 2s 6d, Mrs. Lloyd. Mimulus, three, 3s 6d, H. D. Jolly. Camellia, one, 3s 6d, H. D. Jolly.
Ornamental plants, collection, 6s, H. D. Jolly; three, 3s 6d, H. D. Jolly. Basket plant, one, 5s, H. D. Jolly. Cacti, collection, 7s 6d, G. McLeish. Ferns in pots, three, 5s, H. D. Jolly.
Pelargoniums, show, three, 2s, Miss Bowman. Zonale pelargoniums, six, 4s, C. Holder; three, 2s, C. Holder. Phlox drummondi, six, 4s, J. Tickle. Ranunculi, three, 2s, J. Tickle. Gladioli, three, 2s, H. D. Jolly. Roses, collection, 6s, F. H. Western; 3s 6d, Miss Bowman. Roses, six, 5s, J. Tickle. Verbenas, six, 3s 6d, C. Holder. Pansies, six, 3s 6d, Miss Bowman; 2s 6d, H. D. Jolly. Antirrhinums, six, 3s 6d, H. D. Jolly. Sweet Williams, six, 3s 6d, J. Tickle. Dianthi, six, 3s 6d, H. D. Jolly. Petunias, double, three, 3s 6d, C. Holder. Petunias, single, three, 3s 6d, Miss Bowman. Annuals, six, 3s 6d, J. Tickle. Climbers, three, 3s 6d, J. Priaulx. Table bouquet, 7s 6d, Miss Roach; 5s, J. Tickle. Hand bouquet, 5s, J. Tickle; 3s, Mrs. J. E. Bleechmore. Buttonhole bouquet 4s, H. D. Jolly ; 2s, Mrs. Western. Bridal bouquet, 4s, J. Tickle. Basket cut flowers, 5s, Mrs. Harvey — ‘Judges recommend No. 3 for a prize or honorable mention.’ Collection cut flowers, 20 varieties, 10s, J. Tickle; 6s, C. Holder. Floral design, 7s 6d, H. D. Jolly ; 6s, J. Tickle. Collection of artificial flowers under shade, 5s, H. D. Jolly. Ferns or lycopods, collection, 5s, R. J. Filewood. Collection wild flowers, 5s, J. Tickle ; 2s 6d, R. J. Filewood. Remarks —’The judges consider that the show of flowers are highly creditable, especially the cut flowers, which are very choice.’
Apples, dessert, twelve, 4s, 0. Holder. Apples, kitchen, twelve, 4s, C. Holder. Strawberries, 1 lb., 4s, C. Holder.
Judges—Messrs. E.Nolan, F. H. Western, and W. Hudson. Cabbages, six, 3s, W. E. Maddern. Cauliflowers, six, 3s, E. Trellaggan—’Very indifferent.’ Turnips, six, 3s, C. Holder. Carrots, six, 3s, W. E. Maddern. Lettuces, six, 3s, W. E. Maddern. Peas, peck, 3s, J. Fry. Rhubarb, six sticks, 3s, E. Trellaggan. Vegetables, collection, 10s, W. E. Maddern; 5s, C. Holder.
Judges—Messrs. W. Hudson, J. Williamson, and M. Tobin. Butter, salted, 14 lbs., 7s 6d, J. Fry. Butter, fresh, 3 lbs., 5s, J. Fry; 2s 6d, J. Fry. Cheese, one, 5s, W. E. Giles. Bacon, one flitch, 10s, J. Tickle; 5s, J. Tickle—’Both very good.’ Ham, one, 7s 6d, J. Tickle; 6s, E. Trellaggan—’Very good.’ Lard, 7 lbs., 7s 6d, J. Tickle. Eggs, hen, 5s, J. Fry.
Judges—Messrs. W. Hudson, J. Williamson, and M. Tobin. Dried fruits, collection, 7s 6d, W. E. Giles. Wax, 5 lbs., 7s 6d, J. Tickle. Honey, 10 lbs., 7s 6d, J. Tickle. ‘Judges regret want of competition in dried fruits; honey very good.’ The prize for honey was forfeited to the society on account of deficiency in weight.
Olive oil, Sevenhills College—’Well worthy.’ Orange peel and syrup, Mrs. H. D. Jolly. Leather flowers, J. Tickle. Bread, two loaves, Mrs. Hogbin. Gooseberries, J. Tickle. Paper basket with native grasses, Miss Penfold. Chinese proa, A. Wark. Ladies chair, Mrs. H. Jolly, sen. Artificial hand bouquet, J. Priaulx.
In the evening a promenade concert was satisfactorily carried out by the following ladies and gentlemen:— Overture, Miss Brown (‘Il Travatore’) ; ‘Colonel Peel,’ Mr. Arthur Fry; ‘Johnny Sands,’ Mr. Williamson; overture, Miss Brown (‘Guy Mannering’); ‘List to Music Stealing,’ Miss Brown; overture, Miss Brown (‘The Harp that once’); ‘Hi Cockalorum,’ Mr. Williamson; ‘Killarney,’ Miss Brown; ‘Where was Moses when the Light went out ?’ Mr. Williamson, last verse repeated; quartet, ‘Grandfather’s Clock,’ amateurs; duet, ‘Far Away,’ Miss Brown and Mr. Arthur Fry; ‘God Save the Queen.’
The society has a balance of £15 to be carried to to next year, which is considered very satisfactory.