Mintaro Sabbath School Anniversary

—Our correspondent says— ‘The first anniversary of the above school took place on the 23rd and 24th instant. The Rev. Mr. Wilson preached in the morning, and Mr. Orchard in the evening to attentive congregations. In the afternoon the children recited several most interesting pieces in a very creditable manner, after which they were addressed by the Rev. Mr. Wilson and Mr. T. Burgess. On Monday, at 2 p.m., the children, accompanied by their teachers, and bearing flags suitable to the occasion, walked in procession through the village, returning to the Chapel at 3 o’clock, where they enjoyed an excellent tea, which had been provided for them. At 5 o’clock a considerable number sat down to a tea provided by the ladies of Mintaro ; after which a public meeting was held (Mr. W. Orchard in the chair), which was most eloquently and impressively addressed by Messrs. Lathleane (sic), Jolly, Roberts and Rev. Mr. Wilson. Considerable interest was manifested on the occasion, and although very few strangers were present, on account of the busy season of the year, yet the collections amounted to the sum of £20 2s. 3d.’