[From our own Correspondent.]
Mintaro, June 8.
Since my last we have had an abundance of rain, and most of the land in this part is now under crop; but although many improvements have been made by our District Council, there are some parts very bad, and between this and the Burra, where no District Council exists, there are places next to impassable; but if this was the only grievance our farmers had to complain of they would overcome it by having superior strength in their teams. But a greater grievance than this exists, viz., the impounding of their working cattle, for between us and the Burra the distance is 22 miles, which their teams cannot perform in one day, so they are obliged to camp, and should their cattle stray there is every probability that they will find them impounded under the Crown Waste Lands Act and are accordingly fined, for I must admit we have two of the most energetic men in that respect viz., the Ranger of Crown Lands and another. For illustration of this part of my report, see Impounding Notices weekly, and look particularly at Hanson. To try to remedy one of these grievances a public meeting was held on Tuesday evening last, at the Devonshire Hotel, Mintaro, when a resolution was passed to the effect that a memorial be forwarded to our representatives, Messrs. Kingston and Young, praying them to bring in a Bill to repeal the impounding and other clauses of the Waste Lands Act, the same being most obnoxious and oppressive to the agricultural interests of the whole colony at large. The meeting was most numerously attended; there were above 150 persons present. Many persons addressed the meeting, among whom were Messrs. Smith, Bowling, Faulkner, Brown, Torr, and Peter Brady, who in a most eloquent and impressive manner explained the tenor of the Act, and the hardships the agricultural class sustained from its operation, also of the inducements held out in other colonies not far distant from us. Nearly the whole present signed the memorial before the meeting closed. Many persons volunteered to canvass the country for many miles round to obtain further signatures. It is to be hoped it will be successful.
Sinclair the Wizard paid us a visit on Wednesday evening last in company with Mr. Johnston, the violinist. I believe they were quite satisfied with their receipts, there being a very good attendance.
A man named Jones, who has travelled on these roads for the last twelve years reports having been robbed by a man near to the Cross Roads Inn, a purse containing about £4 having been forcibly taken from him. In endeavouring to prevent himself being robbed the thief cut his hand across with a knife. He thinks he would be able to identify him. Besides cutting his hand I believe other violence was used.