Mintaro Railway Station, Public Meeting

On Saturday evening last, 9th instant, a public meeting was hold as above, to consider the desirableness of memorialising the Government to place a sum of money on the Estimates for metalling the approaches to the Mintaro Railway Station— Mr. Wm. Bowman, Chairman of the Stanley District Council, in the chair. The Chairman said there could be but one opinion on this subject—that it was a necessary work, and one that should be pressed upon the Government. The road in question was almost impassable—in fact, a load could not be got to the station. The present was the time to press it on the notice of the Government, as there was money in the Treasury, which could be granted for so urgent a purpose. Mr. W. E. Giles read a memorial to the Commissioner of Public Works, praying that £1,800 might be placed upon the Estimates for the work, and setting forth the merits of the case. Mr. Thompson Priest said that this was not the first time that the Government had been applied to respecting the road in question. He had waited upon the former Commissioner of Public Works, who had promised that a sum of money should be placed upon the Estimates for this special work, and that the road should be placed on the schedule of main roads. Nothing, however, had been done since by the Government in the matter. It was an approach to the Railway Station, and the Government should see to it at once. The road in its present state was next to impassable. He should propose that the memorial just read should be adopted, and a deputation at once wait upon the Commissioner of Public Works. Mr. Robert Palmer seconded the proposition as to the memorial and a deputation, and he considered the Government ought to see into it as soon as possible, for the work was much needed. Mr. Hy. Jolly proposed an amendment that there be no deputation sent. He considered it so much money taken out of the District Council’s hands for what was spent in deputations could not be spent on roads, and they also lost the supplementary money. He thought the memorial would meet with the attention of the Government equally as well without as with a deputation. Mr. Jolly’s amendment Was put to the meeting, but not seconded; the proposition was carried. Mr. Thomas Cunneen said he had come through the road in question that evening, and a worst piece he thought could not be found in the colony. Mr. H. Jolly proposed that the District Council of Stanley should appoint a deputation, and if any others were desirous of joining that they should be permitted to do so. Seconded by Mr. Cunneen, and carried. Proposed that the District Council employ some person to visit the residents to obtain their signatures, as it was impossible for many to be present that evening that would have come if possible. Seconded by Mr. R. Lathlean, and carried. Several persons then spoke regarding the closing of the main road by the Central Road Board for so long a time, and thought that action ought to be taken in the matter. Mr. Bowman, as Chairman of the District Council of Stanley, replied by informing the meeting that a letter had been sent to the Central Road Board on the subject a few days since, and no answer had yet been received. He did not think the Board had met since. A vote of thanks was passed to the Chairman, and the meeting closed.