MINTARO, October 23.— On Mr. S. Torr’s farm, near here, last week, the men engaged to shear quitted work. On the manager yarding the rams and wethers for them to make a start they enquired if there were any ewes and lambs on the farm, and on being answered in the affirmative they said they would commence on the ewes and lambs, or not start at all. Mr. Torr refused to alter his arrangements, so the shearers quitted. The shearers engaged at ‘Martindale,’ Mr. W. T. Mortlock’s estate, struck work on Saturday, and left the township, so that shearing at ‘Martindale’ is at a standstill until the stands can be filled again. Anniversary services in connection with the Methodist Sunday-school were held in the Methodist Church on Sunday. The Rev. J. Blackett, of Auburn, preached in the morning, and special singing was rendered by the scholars. The church was crowded in the afternoon, when the service of song, ‘Singing Jim’, was given. Mr. E. Tralaggan, the Sunday-school superintendent, who has been acting in this capacity for the last thirty-eight years, gave the readings, and solos were rendered by Miss O. Nelson and Miss E. Tickle, and duets by Misses Cook and Gillingham, and a quartet by Misses Kotz, Tralaggan, and Tickle, and Mr. J. Tickle. Mr. A. March. acted as conductor of the singing. The Rev. J. Gillingham conducted the service in the evening. On Monday evening a public meeting was held, when the service of song was repeated. There was a fair attendance.
MINTARO, October 25.— On Wednesday the Methodist Sunday-school picnic was held on the grounds of Mr. Tickle. It was a splendid day’s outing for the children, who were conveyed to the ground in waggons. Tennis, croquet, and other games were played.