MINTARO, July 15.
In my last I promised to furnish you with further information of the District Council election, and I will now do so. The cause of so much interest being taken in the election of Councillors this year I will explain. Of the two members that remained in of the old Council one is a resident of the township, and the residence of the other is adjacent; so that the two might fairly be considered as representatives of the ratepayers of the township, This, however, did not satisfy some unquiet and ambitious spirits. Nothing less than a Council of their own making would do for them, and for what reason is but known to themselves. They were fully aware that they could not accomplish their object by fair means, being quite an insignificant number, so they had recourse to strategy. Mr. Dowd, a farmer residing a considerable distance from here, was selected as one, to be returned along with Mr. Jolly, the townsman. The result of the voting shows what reliance can be placed in some people, and the mean and dishonorable trick that was played on Mr. Dowd. They thought Mr. Dowd would be the means of getting some votes for their man, Mr. Jolly, and I believe they were correct in their surmise; but hardly a man of them voted for Mr. Dowd, all, or nearly all, giving plumpers for Jolly, for he got 12 plumpers. I wonder why they did not divide the votes with Mr. Dowd. Now, look at the straightforward way the farmers acted. They selected three out of the number of candidates proposed, and went and voted manfully for them. There was no selling with them, for Browne, Faulkner, and Smith in the voting went 55 times together, and were returned triumphantly without having recourse to mean or dishonorable electioneering dodges. I think your correspondent “Reason” is altogether wrong respecting Mr. Kenny’s malady, but that is not to be wondered at when it was only the opinion of two quack doctors. Quack doctors must be very plentiful in the colony when “Reason” has two of them in his list of friends. I would advise him not to take their medicine whatever he may do with their friendship. As I have been studying Dr. Coffin very attentively lately, I think I am fully qualified to “poison, kill, and slay,” and express an opinion on Mr. Kenny’s malady. “When I consider all the wonderful things that have occurred during the last few years—tidal waves, earthquakes, and volcanoes bursting forth again after remaining at rest for a number of years—I come to the conclusion that Mr. Kenny’s malady is an eruption of the brain. When the flow (I do not mean lava) ceases, he will be as well as ever again. I have heard of brogue-makers being afflicted in a similar way, quitting their trade to teach theology and practice medicine. I will prescribe for the brogue-makers if they get worse; but as for Mr. Kenny, if he takes his “old woman’s” advice, he will soon recover. I remember his telling us in one of his admirable letters that when he was commencing to write, his “old woman,” told him “to stop his foolery.” A very sensible advice; and I trust Mr. Kenny will obey such a sensible woman.