MINTARO, May 31.
Our old Choral Society, which met with such an untimely end last year, has been revived under the name of the Mintaro Glee Club. The first meeting was held on Thursday last, and was well attended. It is to be hoped that the present club will be more successful than the last.—A surgical operation was performed on the second son of Mr. Thompson Priest, proprietor of the celebrated slate quarries, last week. For the last 19 months he has been suffering from a diseased knee, which defied all the efforts of the doctors to cure it. At length, seeing that it must eventually cost him his life if allowed to go on as it was, Mr. Priest determined to have the limb amputated, and accordingly prepared his son for it. The operation was successfully performed on Monday last by Drs. Vogt, of this place, and Bain, of Clare, both of whom appear to be very skilful operators. The leg was taken off above the knee, and the bone of the diseased part was completely honeycombed. The sufferer, who is only 14 years of age, was made to thoroughly understand the nature of the operation, and showed great courage throughout. He is now doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances.—We have had beautiful weather, and the farmers are quite pleased.—The topic is, “When will the railway be opened?” Some say for the wool, others for next harvest; but all agree that the site selected for the station is the best that could be, as it will equally accommodate Farrel’s Flat (sic), Hill River, Clare district, and the Upper Wakefield—in fact, everybody seems satisfied.