[From our own Correspondent.]
April 16.
This township seems to be improving fast, and our population is increasing. This is in a measure due to the great demand for Mintaro slate, as also to one or two individuals having taken contracts. Cottages are not to be had. If this state of things holds out, people must build. Several persons left here last week in consequence of not being able to obtain a residence.
The contractor is proceeding well with the work on the road between Mintaro township and the railway station, and in a short time we shall have a splendid road for the whole of that distance.
The country about us looks splendid for April, and the farmers are busy with their land.
I am sorry to have to state that death has removed from amongst the old settlers in this district one of about 25 years’ standing —Mr. A. Miller, of near Auburn, a person who was highly respected for his honesty, integrity, and genial manners.
How is it that “Idler” has not kept his word?—viz., in seeing me about the gas question. Well, my opinion is that the Clare people are entitled to gas as much as any other township in the colony, and I think that it ought to be seen to. As to oil, it is too greasy a subject to write about. It is all very well at times, but give me gas in preference. No doubt it would be a great boon to Clare. Why not hold a meeting on the subject? There are numbers of gentlemen who could form a Committee. I am confident I could name many who would be willing to assist in such a lightsome cause. Could not the veritable “Idler” give a lecture on that subject; or on the “Lights and Shadows of Clare Life”? Not to be poetical, perhaps the Mayor of Clare would take the chair, and I would promise to attend myself, for I would do a great deal to have a reconciliation with “Idler.”