Mintaro News

August 15.— A meeting was held at the Mintaro public school on Saturday afternoon to consider the advisability of inaugurating a public school art and industrial exhibition. It was decided to invite several business firms to send articles of interest for exhibition and instruction, and a committee of ladies and gentlemen has been formed. It is generally admitted that the class of work (more particularly manual) done at the public schools is well worthy of more prominent notice than it usually receives. The head teacher (Mr. A. March) is the prime mover in the undertaking, and Mrs. March provided afternoon tea for the visitors.
August 19. — The alterations, repairs, and renovations to the old Primitive Methodist Church recently acquired by the trustees of the Anglican Church, are now complete. The consecration service was held on Thursday, representatives from Adelaide, Burra, Auburn, and surrounding districts were present. The ceremony was performed by Archdeacon Bussell, assisted by the Revs. W. Eugene Perrin and Sewell, Mrs. Perrin officiating at the organ. The service was successfully conducted, and the adherents of the Anglican body are to be complimented upon having acquired a property in a convenient and central position in the town. The Institute Hall was for many years used by that body for Divine worship. Miss Doswell and Miss Una Grantley will alternately preside at the organ at future services. Mr. Arthur, of Manoora, was the contractor.