March 31.—A meeting of members of the Anglican Church was held at Mintaro Central on Wednesday evening, when it was decided to purchase the Primitive Church, which has not been in use for many years, from Mr. W. T. Mortlock. For some time past services have been conducted in the institute by the Rev. F. Searle, B.A., of Auburn. A committee of ladies and gentlemen interested in church matters was formed. The church, which is a substantial building, standing in a good position, is to be thoroughly renovated, and made suitable to hold services in. — For some time fortnightly meetings have been held in the Methodist schoolroom by the ladies’ auxiliary in connection with foreign mission work. The leader (Mrs. J. Fry) and her helpers are hopeful of being able to forward a large box of useful things for the natives at Easter. — A little son of Mr. George Smith met with an accident on Tuesday last. Whilst playing in a room he opened a door leading to a cellar and fell to the bottom. The little fellow escaped with a large cut on the forehead and a severe shaking.