Mintaro News

MINTARO, August 25.
Mintaro was rather lively on Saturday last owing to a football math that was taking place between the Clare and Mintaro teams, the Clare team arriving in great glee in Mr. F. C. Gray’s four-in-hand team. The best of humor (sic) was observed to take place between the teams, but fortune seems to have favored the Mintaros, as they gained the victory with 1 goal 13 behinds—the Clares 1 behind. Let us hope that Clare will fare better another time.
Services by the Church of England are now held every second Sunday in the Institute. Mintaro is now favored with four places of worship—viz., Primitive Methodist, Roman Catholic, Wesleyan, and Church of England.
The Salvation Army has not put in an appearance here at present, and judging by the number of places before mentioned there seems to be no need of them. Mintaro is a quiet and law-abiding township, and if they came they would be respectfully treated no doubt, if they conducted their services as others do, in a respectable manner, and not make a burlesque of religion.
I believe an application has been forwarded to the Inspector-General of Schools to cause a school to be erected at or about Mintaro Railway Station. About 40 or 50 children are in that vicinity, the nearest school being Mintaro or Hanson, four miles and upwards. This amounts to prohibition, as children cannot travel that distance—viz., eight miles. No doubt the answer will be favorable, as Mr. Edward Bowman has promised two acres of land to the Education Board, and the choice of two places.
No doubt this gentleman’s kind offer will be appreciated and accepted.
The crops in this district seem in a backward condition, and rain would be acceptable.