[From Our Own Correspondent.]
Mintaro, Wed., Sept. 22, 1948.
This and That—Holidays are over once again, and we spent a very happy week in Adelaide. On several occasions saw show visitors, dusty and tired, wending their weary ways homeward, laden with ‘sample bags’ and novelties, so did not venture to Wayville myself. By all accounts the Royal Show was a great success.
The St. Joseph’s School children had an extra week’s holiday because of the illness of one of the Sisters. Do hope Sister is fit and well again.
Several weeks ago Mr. Ray Tickle landed me a reply he had received from the National Gallery of S.A. with regard to the old coin he had found, and I quote:—’Your coin is a copper penny of William IV., dated 1837, and is regarded by collectors as quite modern. The inscription is in Latin, some of it abbreviated, and reads thus:—Gulielmus (William) IIII. 4th Dei Gratia (By the Grace of God) Britannia Rex (King of the Britains) Fid Def. (Defender of the Faith.’ A very interesting piece of information Mr. Tickle—thank you. ‘
U.N.A.C— The Public School children’s effort (collection and trading table) resulted in the grand sum of £14/17/6 being sent to help this very worthy cause. The Trading table realized £11/3/2, and the children, all who donated gifts, and all who came to buy, are to be congratulated on their great effort.
Football Wind-up.—Last Saturday night sounds of hilarity and mirth issued forth from the hall—it was the occasion of the Football Club’s wind-up dinner. About 40 club members, players and officials, heartily enjoyed a sumptuous buffet dinner. The President, Mr. R. K. Hogarth, was the capable Toast Master, and he gave the first toast of the evening ‘The King.’ Other toasts were as follows: — ‘Mintaro Football Club’, Mr. A. L. Sandow; response, Captain, Mr. F. Maynard, Vice-Capt. Mr. E. Mitchell; ‘Mid North Football Association,’ Mr. D. Smith; ‘Dinner Committee,’ Mr. G. Faulkner; ‘The Ladies,’ Mr. R. K. Hogarth. Then came the presentation of trophies—Mortlock trophy, Best and Fairest player, awarded by players’ vote, G. Baxter; Hogarth trophy, best and fairest player, awarded on umpires’ votes, G. Baxter; Willis trophy, most consistent Junior under 21, J. Sandow. A Baxter on behalf of G. Baxter, thanked President and donors of trophies, and J. Sandow also spoke a few words of thanks. More toasts: ‘Gatekeepers and Boundary umpire, Timekeepers’ Mr. M. Ridgway. ‘Goal Umpire’—Mr. R. Birch. Response —Mr. V. Jenner. ‘The Secretary’ —Ass. Secty—Mr. R. K. Hogarth. Response—Messrs Young and Ridgway. ‘The President’—Mr. D. Smith. Response—Mr. R. K. Hogarth.
Mr. Bert Kluska spoke on behalf of the Time-Keepers and congratuated the players on their grand sportsmanship. Several times the strains of ‘For he’s a jolly good fellow’ rang out, but the gem of the evening was ‘Why was he born so beautiful,’ which was sung especially for the very worthy Goal Umpire.
All present voted it a great night. The thanks of the Dinner committee go to all who donated poultry and food-stuffs—thank you.
Personal—The latest report to hand on the condition of Mr. W. R. Woods, who is seriously ill at his residence, Wirrilla is that his condition has slightly improved. Sincerely trust that he will soon be well on the road to recovery. Mr. Dave Fisher broke his leg in an unfortunate accident last week, and is now at home, after receiving treatment at the Clare District Hospital.
Another accident victim is Mr. Alan Blight, who sustained injuries when he fell from a horse recently. He also was treated at the C & D Hospital and returned home last Monday.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. D. Horgan of Merildin on the birth of a son. Another young couple receiving congratulations for a happy event—a son and heir—are Mr. and Mrs. J. Marston. Mrs. W. J. T. Reid of Merildin spent a few days in Adelaide last week.
C.W.A. Opening — The Mintaro Branch of the CWA held its opening ceremony on Monday. The Manoora ladies brought a display of their handicrafts which proved most interesting. Full details will be available in the next issue of ‘The Musings.’
Busy Bee — A working bee was held at the Tennis Courts last Saturday and some good work accomplished. Notice that the weed-killer used recently has proved most effective.
Tennis enthusiasts are rallying to the courts at weekends—matches are due to commence shortly.