[From Our Own Correspondent.]
Mintaro, Wed, Sept 29/48.
C.W.A. Opening—To celebrate the formation of a C.W.A. Branch in Mintaro, the Manoora Ladies were invited to show some of their Handicraft efforts. About 35 ladies were present and the Mintaro President, Mrs. S. Sckunke presided. Proceedings opened with the “Song of Australia” followed by an overture, artistically rendered by Mrs. L. McKay, Mintaro Secretary. Mrs. Schunke then welcomed the Manoora ladies—all presents—introduced the Manoora President, Mrs. Scott, who charmingly explained the aims and activities of C.W.A. throughout the State and of Manoora in particular.
A competition arranged by Mrs. A. L. Sandow was won by Mrs. Lunn of Manoora.
Mrs. Frank McNamara proposed a vote of thanks to the visitors for bringing their excellent handicrafts to show the local ladies just what can be made. This was seconded by Mrs. T. Jacka. An inspection of the articles on show brought forth many comments of admiration and congratulations for the ladies who had done the work. A delicious afternoon tea was enjoyed by all those present.
A Trading Table in charge of Mesdames A. Hall and T. Jacka realized £2/11/7, 27 Mintaro ladies joined the C.W.A. and the afternoon tea made 19/-.
Officers elected at the inaugural meeting are as follows:—President Mrs. S. Schunke, Secretary Mrs. L. McKay, Treasurer Mrs. M. Willis, Vice-Presidents Mesdames W. Reid, and F. McNamara.
Handicraft Secretary Mrs. E. Jacka. General Committee Mesdames J. Wood, A. Hall and T. Jacka Handicraft Committee Mesdames G. Hunter, R. Gill, and M. Ridgway.
Next C.W.A. meeting will be held on Wednesday October 6th.
Farewell — Last Thursday night a representative gathering assembled in the Hall to bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. E. Pulford and family who left on Saturday to take up residence at Point McLeay. Mr. A. L. Sandow was in the chair, and he spoke on behalf of the Institute Committee. Several apologies were received. Mr. Sandow called upon the following speakers; —
Mr. R. Hean, “Town and District”; Mr. V. Jenner, “Tennis Club”; Mr. R. Tickle, “School Committee and Progress Assoc.”; Mr. M. Ridgway, “Public School”; Mr. E. Mitchell, “Farrell Flat R.S.L. Sub-branch”
Others who spoke were Messrs. G. Faulkner and D. Smith.
Mr. Sandow made a presentation of a silver tray service from the townsfolk. Mr. Young presented the departing guests with a silver cake comfort from the Tennis Club, of which Mr. Pulford was President and No. 1 player. Mr. Pulford suitably responded. All sang “for they are jolly good fellows,” dancing followed, the music being suppleid (sic) by Mrs. G. Wood with Mr. M. Swan as M.C.
Super arrangements were in the hands of the Tennis Ladies.
This and That—Owing to the departure of Mr. G. Pulford, who was secretary of the Institute Committee, a special Committee meeing (sic) was held last Thursday night, and Mr. M. Ridgway was appointed secretary until the next General meeting.
Tennis men worked at the courts again last Saturday and enjoyed the football broadcast at the same time. Mrs. V. Jenner served them with afternoon tea.
Cricket enthusiasts hammered and chased the leather on Saturday.
Personal—Heartiest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Alan Blight on the birth of a baby daughter last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. T. Jacka are the very pround (sic) and happy grandparents.
Hear that Mr. W. R. Wood’s condition is unchanged.
Mrs. F. McNamara has been suffering from the “flu” and Miss Enid Midwinter contracted the measles last week, how are the spots Enid? Hope these folk will soon be up and about again.
The Public School has lost 2 of its brightest pupils in the week—Keith Pulford and Paul Dolan.
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Dolan and family leave this weekend to take up residence in the South-East. We wish them well in their new venture.