Mintaro Methodist Circuit

Mintaro Methodist Circuit.— The Quarterly Meeting of the Mintaro Circuit was held at the residence of Mr. W. James, Auburn on Wednesday, March 28. The Rev. D. S. Wylie presided over a fair attendance of officials. The income, including £20 special donations, collected by Mr. Tralaggan, for Circuit debt, amounted to £71, and the Circuit debt was reduced from £35 to £10. Arrangements were made for this to avoid carrying any Circuit debt into the new Auburn and Mintaro Circuit. The membership was reported as 80. The Sunday-schools were reported to be in a satisfactory condition. Mr. Tralaggan was appointed to act as Circuit Steward in the new Circuit. This being the last meeting of the Rev. D. S. Wylie in the Circuit, the Circuit Stewards moved a hearty vote of thanks for his services. Messrs. Quinn, James and McLeash supported, making special reference to Mr. Wylie’s preaching. Mr. Wylie, who goes to the Meadows Circuit, suitably replied. Mr. and Mrs. James were kindly thanked for entertaining the meeting.