Mintaro Institute

The FOUNDATION-STONE of the Mintaro Institute will be LAID by the Hon CHARLES MANN, M.P., Attorney-General, on MONDAY, February 4th, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. The contributions on the stone will be thankfully accepted. At five o’clock a dinner will be provided in the New Council Chamber, Thompson Priest, Esq., J.P., in the Chair.
In the EVENING, at the ASSEMBLY ROOMS of the Devonshire Hotel, W. TOWNSEND, Esq., M.P., will deliver his very popular LECTURE on ‘The Lights and Shadows of London Life,’ at the conclusion of which the Mintaro Dramatic Club will perform the Laughable Farce called ‘The Terrible Tinker.’ Admission— Front Seats, 2s. ; back do., 1s. Doors open at 7.30 ; commence at 8 o’clock sharp.