These were declared open to public use on Saturday night, 18th July, when Mr. M. L. Giles, President of the Mintaro Institute presided. After the singing of the National Anthem, the chairman gave a short account of the movement which resulted in the alterations, additions and renovations to the Mintaro Institute Hall. He publicly thanked the District Council of Clare and the Councillors for making available to them the old district council chamber; all subscribers to the special fund; workers — men and women; the Building Committee; and the builder, Mr. F. J. Forsaith, and to Mr. J. T. Mortlock for his consent in allowing funds in the Mintaro Institute New Building account to be used for the alterations and additions to enable the buildings and funds to be used to make a working proposition of them all.
Mr. J. T. Mortlock, in declaring open the building spoke at some length. We think this a very fine address and desire to hold it over until our next issue, when we will be able to devote full space to its publication. The historical details given should be of great interest to our Mintaro and district readers.
A vote of thanks to Mr. Mortlock was moved by Mr. A. J. Melrose, M.L.C., and was seconded by Mr. P. C. Jacka, President of the Mintaro Progress Committee. Miss Thelma Sandow rendered a solo which was highly appreciated. A dance and supper followed, being thoroughly enjoyed by all. Much credit was given to the ladies who assisted.