TO LICENSED VICTUALLERS AND OTHERS.—A FIRST-RATE OPPORTUNITY.— For SALE, the MINTARO HOTEL, situate in the Township of Mintaro, in the midst of a rapidly improving neighbourhood, on the main line of road from the Burra Burra to Port Wakefield, through which the whole traffic of the Patent Copper Company passes. The house contains eleven rooms, and is substantially built of stone, with good stockyard and stabling. To persons desirous of investing, or entering into the above Dusiness, this is a most excellent opportunity. For terms and particulars, apply to the proprietor, M. B. Muir, or to Mr. Wm. Milne, wine and spirit merchant, Grenfell-street, Adelaide.
Also, Section 3?3, in the Upper Wakefield Special Survey.
Also, a good Stone Cottage in the Township, with an acre and a-half of land.