Mintaro Hoaxed

[To the Editor of the Northern Argus.]
Sir—The Mintaro people were sadly disappointed yesterday evening, as well as parties from Hanson, Auburn, and Clare. It is a great pity that travelling troupes should be allowed to gull people without being exposed. The facts are as follows. The agent for Benson’s troupe was here some days ago, and posted bills announcing the performance of that troupe on Wednesday evening, the 2nd inst. He also ordered meals to be provided on that date for a certain number. On the 2nd inst. a telegram was received from the company ordering a trap to be taken to the railway station to meet them. The trap was taken, but they never came up. Great numbers came last evening from the above-named townships expecting to see the performance, but were disappointed. It is a shame that people should be hoaxed in such a manner, and it is to be hoped that others will take warning and not trouble themselves to go any distance to see a troupe in whom no dependence can be placed.
I am, Sir, &c., Thos. Smith.
Mintaro, August 3.