Thursday, August 30.
The funeral of Mr. Thomas Evans took place this day at Mintaro. Before daybreak numbers were passing through this village towards his late residence. The morning dawned with every appearance of a wet day, and although rain seemed to be the desire of the farming population, they were in hopes it would remain fine during the solemn scene about to be enacted, which it did after a slight misty shower. The funeral started about 10 o’clook, and so long a procession I have never witnessed in the colony. He was a person esteemed by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. The hearse which conveyed the remains was followed by 55 conveyances, filled almost to uncomfortableness, behind these were 133 horsemen and horsewomen; the numbers on foot were very numerous, and I should deem there were fully 600 persons present, the deceased had been a long resident in the district, and his burial will show how in life he was esteemed. He was a member of the Roman Catholic community.