Mintaro Flour Mill

The Lessee of the above Mill takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous Customers for past favours, and would now beg to inform them that in addition to the large improvements lately added to the Mill, he has now obtained a Silk-Dressing Machine, with all the latest improvements, thereby being able to compete with any other establishment in the colony.
As the Mintaro brand of Flour has long been justly celebrated for its excellence when dressed by the old machine, parties may rest assured that now, having added first-class Silk-Dressing Apparatus, and every other improvement requisite for the manufacture of first-rate Flour, that the Mintaro Mill will still continue to retain its good name.
Good clean Wheat bought at highest prices (must be clean).
First-class Silk-dressed Flour supplied in any quantity, and at reasonable prices.
Grist work done expeditiously, and at lowest remunerative prices.
Lessee Mintaro Flour Mill.
January 8, 1867.